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Surveillance Defense for Campus Protests

The recent wave of protests calling for peace in Palestine have been met with unwarranted and aggressive suppression from law enforcement, universities, and other bad actors. It’s clear that the changing role of surveillance on college campuses exacerbates the dangers faced by all of the…

Community Tool Box

Community Tool Box

Lawrence, Kansas

The Community Tool Box is a free, online resource for those working to build healthier communities and bring about social change.

ICTs in Elections Database

In order to help election practitioners and stakeholders to better understand the use of ICTs in elections, International IDEA has conducted a global comparative study to learn how ICTs are being used in several stages of electoral process.

Global Cyber Alliance Cybersecurity Toolkit for Mission-Based Organizations

This set of free tools, guidance, and training is designed to help organizations take key cybersecurity steps and be more secure.

Design Action Research with Government

Design Action Research with Government

1 City Hall Square, Boston, MA, United States

Design Action Research with Government (DARG) is a guide for creating civic innovation projects.

City-Level Decision-Making Tool

City-Level Decision-Making Tool

Orlando, Florida, USA

The Society Library (a collective intelligence institute) shared their micro-voting decision-making tool for city-level decision-making.

Civic Infrastructure Scan

To build the foundations of democracy with intention, as Jill Blair and Malka Kopell suggest, there is a need to survey the types of civic infrastructure in place and how these building blocks fit together in order to appreciate where the cracks and crevices are that need strengthening.

Commons Library

The Commons Library includes 1000+ educational resources in a range of formats. Topics include campaign strategy, community organising, working effectively in groups, justice and diversity, creative activism, and much more.

Process code for software procurement

This process code will introduce you to a digital-native approach to procurement. It maintains the core principles of public procurement—fairness, transparency and objectivity—but realigns the process with contemporary software development.

International Journalists' Network

IJNet delivers the latest on global media innovation, news apps and tools, training opportunities and expert advice for professional and emerging journalists worldwide.

Civic AI Handbook

The Civic AI Handbook is for digital leads of civic organisations who want to develop generative AI strategies for their organisations / departments / teams.

Deceptive Patterns

A taxonomy of deceptive design patterns, laws, cases, reading list, hall of shame, and Deceptive Patterns book



Washington, DC

A collection of approachable but well-researched primers on emerging tech and potential benefits and risks

UN HABITAT Digital Cities Toolkit

An open source Policy Toolkit for cities to develop digital policies that put citizens at the center, tackle Sustainable Development Goals and make Governments more open, transparent, and collaborative.

Por un Entorno Digital Accesible (PUEDA)

La iniciativa tiene como principal objetivo difundir conceptos clave y buenas prácticas de la accesibilidad digital en el Estado, la sociedad civil, la academia y los sectores privado y técnico, actores críticos a la hora de alcanzar entornos digitales accesibles.

Network Know-How Guides

Network Impact has created a series of Network Know-How Guides for early-stage network builders who want to learn how to develop healthy, impactful and sustainable networks.

Disclosure logs: a best practice guide for local authorities [in the UK]

Disclosure logs: a best practice guide for local authorities [in the UK]

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Guide that "seeks to explain what disclosure logs are, how to manage them efficiently and why, although they are not a legal requirement, local authorities should seriously consider using one for the benefit of your FOI teams and, more importantly, for citizens."

HOT's Approach to OSM Data Validation for Earthquake Response Mapping

Because OpenStreetMap is a crowd-sourcing project where everyone can freely contribute to the map, the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team has devised measures to support high-quality crowd-sourced OSM data.

Legislative Theater

In legislative theater, communities, advocates and policymakers work together, to identify, develop, and build support for new legislation.

The Participation Playbook

The Participation Playbook is an interactive guide to help you successfully advocate for and implement a participatory program for your government or community. It is a tool for people who want to open up government to meaningful and equitable community participation.

Participatory Policymaking

Through participatory policymaking, residents propose, debate, and vote on new policies and policy changes, through online platforms and meetings.

How to organize a phone bank

Improve the productivity of your phone bank volunteers with this free online training

The Civic Tech Field Guide's Civic Mastodon server roundup

Since there's not yet a clear home for civic tech on Mastodon, I've rounded up some of the more relevant servers for civic tech's digital migrants to gather.

Projection bombing guide

“Projection bombing”, a technique pioneered by marketing agencies and more recently embraced by activists where a message is projected onto a building.

Publi Ou Fake

Publi Ou Fake

Brazil (Brasil)

Uma cartilha em que trazemos ferramentas para que profissionais da área de marketing e publicidade possam navegar melhor e com mais confiança frente às complexidades da relação entre publicidade e desinformação.

Geotarget campaigns by zip code

A short case study using ESRI to focus your campaign on the areas with the most potential supporters.

The Turing Way

The Turing Way

The Alan Turing Institute, Euston Road, London, UK

Community-led guides for data science and open research

Do-it-Yourself Open Data Toolkit

The Do-it-Yourself (DIY) Open Data Toolkit is an instructional manual that provides a step-by-step guide on how to develop your open data initiative. It brings together training materials, best practices, tools and resources to help you prepare for and implement an open data project.

Standards Lab

Standards Lab

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

This handbook provides an overview of the creation, maintenance and adoption of a policy-related open data standard.

Demtech Navigator

Demtech Navigator

University of Oxford, 1 St Giles', Oxford OX1 3JS, UK

This is an online resource guide for civil society groups looking to better deal with the problem of disinformation. Let us know your concerns and we will suggest resources, curated by civil society practitioners and the Programme on Democracy and Technology.

A guide to anti-misinformation legal actions around the world

Poynter's global guide on existing attempts to legislate against what can broadly be referred to as online misinformation

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