The People > Fieldwide resources > Holidays - (13)

A guide to civic tech-related holidays, anniversaries, events, and dates-of-note. Recommended viewing: NCoC Learning Circle: Celebrating Voting With Civic Holidays

Showing 13 Results

Civil Society Week Europe

This flagship event will gather people of all ages and backgrounds, including youth, journalists and EU institutions, for a vibrant debate on topics that matter to our everyday life and Europe's future.

Privacy Day: международная онлайн-конференция о приватности и защите данных

Ежегодная конференция на русском языке, приуроченная к Международному дню защиты персональных данных

#CityHallSelfie Day

#CityHallSelfie Day is a celebration of public service showcasing pride in local government institutions.



New York City

GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement unleashing the power of radical generosity. GivingTuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good.

Open Gov Week

Open Gov Week

Washington, DC

This year, we want to do a bit more. In addition to events, we’re collecting and sharing how the open government movement – even in challenging times – is aligned and how our stories can be a bright spot for the world.


MisinfoDay is an annual event co-hosted by the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public (CIP) and Washington State University’s Edward R. Murrow College of Communication.

Data Privacy Day

An international effort to empower individuals and business to respect privacy, safeguard data and enable trust.

Open Data Day

Open Data Day is an annual celebration of open data all over the world.

National Voter Registration Day

National Voter Registration Day

United States of America (the)

National Voter Registration Day is a holiday celebrated on the fourth Tuesday of every September

National Day of Civic Hacking

On August 11th, 2018, join the Code for America Brigades as we host a nationwide day of action.

Sunshine Week

Sunshine Week

Washington, DC

Across the country, Sunshine Week is marked by panel discussions, workshops and other events about using and understanding the latest developments in freedom of information resources.

NYC Open Data Week

NYC Open Data Week

New York City

It is an opportunity to engage New Yorkers in the information that is produced and used by City government.

Le Mois de l'innovation publique

Parcours interactifs, ateliers, conférences, hackathons, journée portes ouvertes etc. mettent en lumière des méthodes originales pensées par des acteurs locaux pour concevoir plus efficacement les politiques publiques et transformer l'administration.

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