Advocacy tech > Watchdogging and transparency > Government transparency > Budget explorers - (39)

If "budgets are a moral document," then constituents in a democracy should be able to view, explore, and understand them. Budget explorers help citizens understand where government funds -- and their tax contributions -- go. They're usually visual, and sometimes interactive, helping people become more literate in the budget-setting and expenditures process.

How Pittsburgh found a secret climate weapon in ‘the thrilling world of municipal budgeting’

Showing 39 Results

Federal Taxpayer Receipt

The Federal Taxpayer Receipt provides American taxpayers with an itemized receipt that estimates how your tax dollars are spent by the government based on how much you paid in taxes.

Understandable Budget (Közérthető Költségvetés)

The aim of this Municipal Budget Visualisation Tool is to make the management of local governments transparent to the local population and the wider society.

Imali Yethu

Imali Yethu

South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)

Imali Yethu is a coalition of civil society organisations working with the South African National Treasury to make budget information more accessible, user-friendly and empowering.

Budget Justice Coalition South Africa

Budget Justice Coalition South Africa

South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)

The Budget Justice Coalition (BJC) aims to collaboratively build people's participation in and understanding of South Africa's budget and planning processes.

NYC Funds Tracker

FPWA’s NYC Funds Tracker monitors New York City’s revenue and the flow to budget expenditures.

Gobierto Transparencia

Gobierto Transparencia

Spain (España)

La herramienta para poner en marcha iniciativas de transparencia y rendición de cuentas.

Lietuvos finansai

Lietuvos finansai

Lithuania (Lietuva)

The website allows you to view, filter and analyze government finance data in a variety of sections and levels, from the national level, which includes aggregated (total) government, municipal, social security and monetary fund data, to detailed institution-level data.



Hungary (Magyarország) is user-friendly budget visualisation tool. It was made to help NGOs to present their operation in understandable and transparent way.

Budget visualization for municipalities

Budget visualization tool for municipalities. Already in use in Budapest XIV and many other municipalities.

Open budgets

Open budgets

Slovenia (Slovenija)

Budget and financial transparency visualization tool for NGOs.



800 Boylston Street, 16th Floor Boston, MA 02199

Questica OpenBook is a transparency and data visualization software that enables organizations to share their financial and other data, when and where they need to.

Citizens Budget toolbox

This toolbox provides support to local governments that are interested in creating a Citizens Budget. It contains the basic steps in the process and inspiring examples, which fully equips the reader to start developing their own Citizen Budget.

Koltsegvetes Zuglo

Koltsegvetes Zuglo

Hungary (Magyarország)

Budget explorer for the Municipality of Zugló's 2019 budget built by K-Monitor

55 Moleye Street, Alagomeji-Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria

While the Open Treasury portal hosts all federal daily treasury reports, GOVSPEND.NG, a platform powered by BudgIT, simplifies the treasury report for citizens and Civil Society Organizations to access, monitor and understand federal government’s real time expenditure.

Budget Simulator for Pilot United Territorial Communities

A set of information technology (IT) tools to enable citizens to analyze state budgets, in theory to develop critical thinking to counter politicians’ populist rhetoric on complex economic issues.

2020 Tax Clock (South Africa)

2020 Tax Clock (South Africa)

South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)

​How much of your work day is spent paying taxes?​

TaxClock Kenya

TaxClock shows how public budget data can be used to help citizens better understand how governments spend our taxmoney.



South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)

South Africa's Online Budget Data

Open Budget este o platformă care îţi permite să vizualizezi bugetul statului român şi să modifici felul in care sunt alocate fondurile publice.


A toolbox for analyzing and visualizing public budget data as well as support participatory budgeting



East Africa

PesaCheck is a fact-checking initiative to verify the financial and other statistical numbers quoted by public figures across East Africa, supported by International Budget Partnership, and Code for Africa affiliates in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.



55 Moleye Street, Alagomeji-Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria

BudgIT is a civic organization that applies technology to intersect citizen engagement with institutional improvement, to facilitate societal change.

Budget Visualization & Taxpayer Receipt Tool

Cities and towns across Massachusetts and few in other states have adopted Visual Budget, either the new WordPress plug-in or the original.



1991 Civic Tech Center, вулиця Мечникова, Kyiv, Ukraine

Website builder platform for cities and amalgamated communities in Ukraine

Budget G0V TW

Budget G0V TW

Taiwan (T'ai-wan)

Data visualization and exploration tool for the Taiwanese Central Government General Budget

Marsad Budget

Marsad Budget

4 Rue Apollo XI, Cité Mahrajène, Tunis, Tunisie

Marsad Budget is a continuation of Al Bawsala's work, which is based on monitoring the various institutions in charge of managing state affairs and the consecration of the principle of transparency and thus making available to the citizen, simplified and accessible information on the state budget

Barcelona Pressupost Obert (Open Budget)

A tool created for citizens and all those people or organizations that may be interested, which aims to facilitate the analysis and understanding of the budgets of the City of Barcelona.

ClearGov Transparency

Cloud-based budget and performance management software built for local governments.

Twaweza's Budget Explorer

Twaweza works on enabling children to learn, citizens to exercise agency and governments to be more open and responsive in Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda.

Ethelo Citizen Budget

This Citizen Budget eDemocracy tool can show where tax dollars are spent, and allow the public to provide feedback more easily. With the Citizen Budget, you can cut or increase spending in various categories, and see how your choices would raise or lower taxes.

Municipal Money

Municipal Money

South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)

Municipal Money is a web-based mobile responsive tool developed to provide the public with municipal financial data.


Website was started by transparency NGO Public Knowledge Workshop to present the budget in a user-friendly, easier-to-understand format.

Delib Simulator

Delib Simulator

Orchard Street Business Centre, 13-14 Orchard Street, Bristol, BS1 5EH

Public engagement has never been easier

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