The People > Learn about civic tech > Academia > Research and policy centers - (211)

Research and policy centers develop evidence- and ideology-based recommendations to address societal challenges, inform policy decisions, and promote effective governance.

Showing 211 Results

The McSilver Institute for Poverty Policy and Research at New York University

Research, programs and interventions that address the root causes and consequences of poverty. Learn moreabout What We Do

ESRC Digital Good Network

ESRC Digital Good Network

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Building a research community focused on what a good digital society should look like and how we get there.

Center for Science and the Imagination

Arizona State University’s Center for Science and the Imagination brings writers, artists and other creative thinkers into collaboration with scientists, engineers and technologists to reignite humanity’s grand ambitions for innovation and discovery.

Democracy Innovation Hub

We convene and train public servants, community leaders and educators to use participatory methods of engagement and tools, with a focus on citizens’ assemblies.

Just Security

Just Security

New York University, New York, NY, USA

Just Security is an editorially independent, non-partisan, daily digital law and policy journal that elevates the discourse on national security, democracy and the rule of law, and rights.

Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and Humanities at Bard College

HAC is the world's most expansive home for bold and risky humanities thinking about our political world inspired by the spirit of Hannah Arendt.

AI and Democracy Movements Project

AI and Democracy Movements Project

Harvard Kennedy School, John F. Kennedy Street, Cambridge, MA, USA

The AI and Democracy Movements Project explores the impacts of AI on the strategy, operations, and outcomes of pro-democratic social movements.

Allen Lab for Democracy Renovation

Allen Lab for Democracy Renovation

Harvard Kennedy School, John F. Kennedy Street, Cambridge, MA, USA

The Allen Lab for Democracy Renovation aims to reinforce democracy through strengthening institutions, building interpersonal and informational trust, and reducing hyper-partisan affective polarization with research and field-building.

Governance of Emerging Technology and Tech Innovations for Next-Gen Governance (GETTING-Plurality)

Governance of Emerging Technology and Tech Innovations for Next-Gen Governance (GETTING-Plurality)

Harvard Kennedy School, John F. Kennedy Street, Cambridge, MA, USA

A multi-disciplinary research network linking philosophers, social scientists, computer scientists, legal scholars, and technologists.

Nonviolent Action Lab

Nonviolent Action Lab

Harvard Kennedy School, John F. Kennedy Street, Cambridge, MA, USA

The Nonviolent Action Lab is an innovation hub for activists, researchers, and supporters who share common goals around defending and advancing democracy worldwide through civil resistance — protests, demonstrations, and other actions.

Bloomberg Center for Cities at Harvard University

Bloomberg Center for Cities at Harvard University

Harvard Kennedy School, John F. Kennedy Street, Cambridge, MA, USA

Founded in 2021 with Bloomberg Philanthropies, the Bloomberg Center for Cities at Harvard University serves a global community committed to improving public management, leadership, and governance.

Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation

Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA

Harvard’s hub for research and teaching on democracy

Hey Neighbour Collective

Hey Neighbour Collective (HNC) is a collective impact project that brings together housing providers, researchers, local and regional governments, housing associations and health authorities to experiment with and learn about ways of effectively building community, social connectedness and resilience in B.C.’s fast-growing vertical communities.

The Dialogue on Technology Project (DoT)

DoT’s mission is to convene a sustained and nuanced societal dialogue between leaders, experts and community members around the social impacts of AI in British Columbia and Canada.

Mitigating Wildfire

Mitigating Wildfire

Burnaby, Canada

The Mitigating Wildfire Initiative facilitates dialogue and collaboration to identify and advance solutions that address the fundamental changes happening in wildfire risk and management in British Columbia.

The Dais

The Dais


Canada’s platform for bold policies and better leaders.

 科技、民主與社會研究中心 - Center for Research on Technology, Democracy and Society (DSET)

As a national think tank, we are committed to proposing policy recommendations on emerging technologies based on the public needs of democracy and society and to offering the international community a unique Taiwanese perspective.



Humboldt-Institut Berlin, Invalidenstraße, Berlin, Germany

Im Zentrum steht dabei folgende Frage: Können “Plattformräte” oder andere Institutionen dafür sorgen, dass öffentliche Interessen und demokratische Werte in den Regelsetzungsprozessen von Plattformen berücksichtigt werden?

MIT Center for Constructive Communication

Designing tools, methods and systems that connect rather than divide us to create a healthier society.

Accountability Research Center (ARC)

Accountability Research Center bridges research and frontline perspectives to learn from ideas, institutions, and actors that advance strategies to improve public and corporate accountability. Learn more Make a gift to ARC

GloTech Lab @ UMass

Global Technology for Social Justice Lab (GloTech) is a hub for interdisciplinary scholarship at the intersection of critical tech studies and global studies.

デジタル空間社会連携研究機構 (Digital Sapital Society (DSS))


シビックテック・デザイン学創成寄付研 (Civic Tech Design Initiative (CTDI))


Bloomberg Center for Public Innovation at Johns Hopkins University

The Bloomberg Center for Public Innovation at Johns Hopkins University drives innovation in local government by marrying cutting-edge practice with world-class research.

Public Service Accountability Monitor (PSAM)

Public Service Accountability Monitor (PSAM)

South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)

PSAM’s activities include research, monitoring, advocacy and capacity building. Working through southern Africa, PSAM generates and shares knowledge about social accountability and the monitoring and advocacy tools that can build more open, participatory and accountable governments.

Center for Technological Responsibility, Reimagination and Redesign

CNTR’s mission is to redefine computer science education, research, and technology to center the needs, problems, and aspirations of all those that technology has left behind.

The Internet & Democracy Initiative

The Internet & Democracy Initiative will study problems that have widespread information and social media implications.



Madrid (Spain)

The Center for the Governance of Change at IE University and Microsoft launched AI4Democracy, a global initiative that seeks to create knowledge and mobilize democratic governments, companies and civil society to promote action for a responsible use of artificial intelligence to defend and strengthen democracy.

Ohio State Institute for Democratic Engagement and Accountability (IDEA)

We seek to make democracy more deliberative – to empower people to talk across differences, find common ground, and build political change for the public good.

The Aspen Institute

The Aspen Institute

Aspen Institute, Massachusetts Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

The Aspen Institute drives change through dialogue, leadership, and action to help solve the greatest challenges of our time.

AI Elections Initiative

AI Elections Initiative

Aspen Institute, Massachusetts Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

Aspen Digital, a program of the Aspen Institute, is launching the AI Elections Initiative as an ambitious new effort to strengthen US election resilience in the face of generative AI.

Aspen Digital

Aspen Digital

Aspen Institute, Massachusetts Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

Our mission is to connect and spark policy action among those crucial to making our interconnected world accessible, safe, and inclusive — both online and off.

Democracy Reporting International

Democracy Reporting International (DRI) strengthens democracy by shaping the institutions that make it sustainable.

The Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs

The Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs

Harvard Kennedy School, John F. Kennedy Street, Cambridge, MA, USA

Research, ideas, and leadership for a more peaceful world.




Demos is Britain’s leading cross-party think tank. We put people at the heart of policy-making to create bold ideas and a more collaborative democracy.

European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)

the EU’s largest interdisciplinary network to counter disinformation.

Global Observatory of Urban Artificial Intelligence

Its goal is to promote research and disseminate best practice in the ethical application of artificial intelligence in cities.

City AI Connect

City AI Connect

Johns Hopkins University

A global community for cities to learn about generative AI together, faster.

Stanford Deliberative Democracy Lab

Stanford Deliberative Democracy Lab

450 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305, USA

The Deliberative Democracy Lab (formerly the Center for Deliberative Democracy), housed within the Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law at Stanford University, is devoted to research about democracy and public opinion obtained through Deliberative Polling®.

Cooperative AI Foundation

Cooperative AI Foundation

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

CAIF's mission is to support research that will improve the cooperative intelligence of advanced AI for the benefit of all.

Colaboratorio de Desenvolvimento e ParticipaçāoCo:Lab

O COLAB é um centro de pesquisa que atua também no desenvolvimento de software e na formação de pessoas.

Regulation, Evaluation, and Governance Lab (RegLab)

Regulation, Evaluation, and Governance Lab (RegLab)

Stanford University, Serra Mall, Stanford, CA, USA

We pilot, build, and test solutions for compliance, mass adjudication, policy making, and government services

Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)

EPIC is a public interest research center in Washington, DC seeking to protect privacy, freedom of expression, and democratic values in the information age.

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