Tag:   Current event > COVID-19 - (14)

Showing 14 Results

Data For Crisis

A collaborative work between DW Akademie and SocialLab to provide credible raw and aggregated data from Social Networks about crisis-related topics like COVID and Migration to support media practitioners and researchers with free access to public data

Missing Them

Missing Them

New York City, NY, USA

The City's crowdsourced, data-driven obituaries for New Yorkers who have died from COVID-19

Health Sites

Health Sites

Netherlands (Nederland, Holland)

Building an open data commons of health facility data with OpenStreetMap

Open Source Ventilators Subreddit

A community dedicated to researching locally-sourced, easy-to-manufacture designs for PEEP valves, BVMs, automated BVM pumps, and full ventilators.

Open Source COVID19 Medical Supplies

This group is being formed to evaluate, design, validate, and source the fabrication of open source emergency medical supplies around the world, given a variety of local supply conditions.

COVID-19 map

COVID-19 map

Taiwan (T'ai-wan)

Members of g0v.tw built a page that matches government information on the recent movements of confirmed coronavirus patients with users' location history based on Google Maps Timeline to check whether or not they may have had contact with the patients, and if so — where and when.

Covid-19 Ministerio de Salud Argentina

Coronavirus Covid-19 es la app oficial del Ministerio de Salud de la Nación y tiene como objetivo que los argentinos y las argentinas puedan realizarse una rápida autoevaluación para saber si sus síntomas son compatibles con el COVID-19.

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