By investing in innovative new solutions driving change across the key pillars of digital inclusion, WiDEF is transforming the lives of women and girls both online and offline.
The Knowledge for Development (K4D) Foundation empowers communities and enables social inclusion through capacity building programs to advance data and digital literacy for data-driven innovations and culture.
SmartRR is a virtual one stop shop for Gender Based Violence and Sexual Reproductive Health. We are committed to creating a safer, more supportive world for survivors and adolescent girls.
Somos una organización de mujeres que tiene como principal objetivo acompañar los procesos de mujeres indígenas y campesinas para constituir un espacio donde las experiencias femeninas confluyan en actos, espacios, instrumentos de visibilización, y nuevos aprendizajes para enfrentar las estructuras y prácticas patriarcales que nos someten.
Prathya is an online ecosystem of support for persons affected by OGBV in Sri Lanka developed by the organizations Hashtag Generation and Delete Nothing and was launched in October 2022.
The "Governor Barbie" campaign, launched by Governor Gretchen Whitmer, was more than just an innovative approach to brand building, but a significant step toward redefining and challenging stereotypes associated with female politicians.
El objetivo es realizar un archivo fotográfico que muestre la realidad de la extensión del movimiento feminista, incluyendo la variedad de experiencias, testimonios y emociones que plasma el 8M en nosotras.
ParityBOT is a Twitter bot that spins the abuse and toxicity directed at women in politics into positive, uplifting and encouraging messages.
The artificial intelligence technology that powers ParityBOT detects and classifies hateful, harmful and toxic tweets directed at women in leadership or public office
Organized an e-conference for over 150 women candidates for elected office in Uganda, with a focus on navigating social barriers to political participation, including misinformation and cyberbullying.
One Woodrow Wilson Plaza
1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20004-3027
Report striving to build awareness of the direct and indirect impacts of gendered and sexualized disinformation on women in public life, as well as its corresponding impacts on national security and democratic participation.
A report analyzing online spaces being weaponized to exclude women leaders and undermine the role of women in public life. It investigates gendered disinformation on Poland and the Philippines through Twitter data analyses.
A training guide for journalists and writers on how to respond to online harassment and abuse, including building a community of supporters and developing counterspeech messages.
455 Massachusetts Ave, NW, 8th Floor, Washington, DC 20001
An initiative designed to help political parties become more inclusive and representative through an assessment that gauges men and women's perceptions of women in leadership, the types of social norms held by members of parties, and the individual, institutional and socio-cultural barriers to gender equality.
TrollBusters is an at-the-ready network of supporters to respond to women journalists’ reports of online harassment by providing positive counterspeech.
A guide written by targets of cyber-attacks that is designed for women, people of color, trans and genderqueer people, and everyone else whose existing oppressions are made worse by digital violence.
A training workshop curriculum on how to set up an online support network, create textual and visual counterspeech content, and deploy a counterspeech campaign.
A Feminist AI Research network that gathers a cohort of social scientists, economists, and activists, side by side with data, machine learning and computer scientists to discuss how to fix the system and leverage AI for women’s rights.
In partnerships with local and international organisations, each GTI has further developed specific facilitation methodologies and training contents addressing the risks, attacks and contexts faced by activist women in the region.
MEGAPHONE is a community of activists working on issues such as the environment, women's rights, LGBTQ right, transparency and accountability and civic engagement
Vote:Women is a leadership springboard for women to achieve their dreams. We provide a platform for support every step of the way through capability development, fundraising, and campaign management using innovation, technology and a sense of community. Vote:Women empowers women to follow their ambitions of civic leadership.
This wiki is dedicated to document initiatives around gender and tech, privacy and digital security that are organised by participants to the trainings and activities related to the program “Securing Online and Offline Freedoms for Women: Expression, Privacy and Digital Inclusion”.