The Tech > Advocacy tech > Organize campaigns > Petitions - (38)

Online petition platforms symbolize many of the pros and cons of digital organizing: they can be used to amass huge amounts of support around an issue, but have been criticized as a tactic when groups use them to collect email addresses, rather than deliver change. Some online petitions are never delivered, and congressional staff are skeptical of the tactic.

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Showing 38 Results

Hand-written Petition Scanner

Hand-written Petition Scanner

Newspeak House, Bethnal Green Road, London, UK

An AI-powered tool designed to efficiently digitize handwritten petition sheets, transforming them into organized, upload-ready CSVs to streamline data management and optimize volunteer efforts.



Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina / Босна и Херцеговина)

E-peticija je zahtjev za određenu promjenu u tvojoj lokalnoj zajednici koji upućuješ donosiocima odluka, a koja se realizuje nakon što tvoja peticija skupi dovoljan broj potpisa.

Lithuania (Lietuva) is a Lithuanian website that serves as a platform for creating and signing petitions.

Action Network

Action Network

United States of America (the)

Mobilize communities, raise money, and engage supporters with tools built for teams just like yours.



Chicago, IL

Create and Explore world-changing petitions, events, fundraisers, and boycotts all in one place.

Civic Shout

Civic Shout

United States of America (the)

It’s a more-effective twist on list growth that consists of two parts: our activist network and custom petition platform that helps you reach them.



Fund "Demokrator", 101000, B. Zlatoustinskiy Lane, Building 6 str. B

Мы поможем добиться справедливости! Создайте свою петицию или инициативу вместе с Democrator за пару минут



444 North Capitol Street Northwest, Washington, DC 20001, USA

Qomon is the most innovative and user-friendly Mobilization platform & mobile app that powers non-profit organizations, campaigns, movements & advocacy groups worldwide to mobilize bigger using data & digital.




A public engagement toolkit that enables a media house or civil society organisation to easily set up channels for engagement. Appears to still be under development.



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Start a petition with one of the UK's largest campaign organisations. People power change

Abgeordnetenwatch, middle 12, 20148 Hamburg, Germany

Weil Transparenz Vertrauen schafft

Estonian engagement platform with binding triggers for popular proposals to go before government, locally and nationally

Parti Campaigns

Parti Campaigns

43, Susaek-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Korean online petition platform for citizen-driven campaigns



655 15th St. NW, Suite 650 Washington, DC 20005

Trusted by campaigns of every size, NGP VAN's award-winning websites and industry-leading organizing, fundraising, compliance, and digital tools have elected thousands of Democrats to local, state, and federal office. Nearly every Democrat running for office is powered by NGP VAN. 

Open Petition

Open Petition

Greifswalder Straße 4, 10405 Berlin, Berlin, Germany

openPetition supports petitioners in preparing their petition, collecting signatures and submitting the petition to the appropriate recipient.

Parliament Petitions

Official online petitions in response to issues of the day, listing the number that got a Government response, and those that have been debated in the House of Parliament



321 Main Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6A 2T2, Canada

New/Mode is putting the powerful tools used by the world’s leading campaigns into more political campaigners’ pockets.

Do Gooder

Create campaign websites and embed email, call-in, fundraising and social network actions targeting politicians and decision makers anywhere in the world.



San Francisco is the world's largest online campaigning platform. We connect people who support a common cause and empower them to run grassroots campaigns.


The original online petition site. 20+ million signatures. Unlike others, we are non-partisan, non-ideological. Just the best tools for your campaign.


Avaaz mobilizes instant campaigns to address crises happening anywhere on earth, and to close the gap between the world we have the world most people everywhere want. Join the movement now.

Petition site. WeMove Europe is a values-based community of Europeans spread across the continent that seeks to build people power to transform Europe in the name of all people, future generations and the planet.

Dear South Africa (DearSA)

Dear South Africa (DearSA)

South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)

DearSA is a legally recognised and constitutionally protected non-profit platform which enables the public to co-shape all government policies, amendments and proposals.

We Sign It

Découvrez We Sign It, la plateforme de création de pétitions en ligne. vous permet en quelques clics seulement de lancer votre pétition, de faire campagne et de mobiliser autour de vous.

Pétitions Assemblée Nationale

Pétitions Assemblée Nationale

Assemblée Nationale, Rue de l'Université, Paris, France

Cette plateforme permet d'adresser des pétitions à l'Assemblée nationale et de signer des pétitions déjà enregistrées. Les pétiti

Cap Collectif

Cap Collectif

25 rue Claude-Tillier 75012 Paris, France

La plateforme d’intelligence collective la plus complète et la plus polyvalente sur le marché. (MyVoice)

Latvian "civic-initiatives platform (MyVoice), developed and run by an NGO Foundation of Public Participation, MyVoice."

Salsa Labs

Salsa Labs

7920 Norfolk Ave, Bethesda, MD 20814, USA

Salsa Labs is a technology company that creates powerful donor management, online fundraising, and online advocacy tools for nonprofits helping them Engage and Change the World.

MoveOn Petitions

Sign people-powered petitions from across the country, start your own, and view past petition victories.



Verden (Aller), Germany

Die Petitionsplatform von Campact

Amandla Mobi

Amandla Mobi

South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika) is a platform that aims to "turn every cellphone in South Africa into a democracy tool" by using Whatsapp, SMS, USSD, Web and social networking to run multi-issue and multilingual campaigns so that people can connect and call for accountability on various matters.

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