The Tech > Media > Research tools - (30)

Especially helpful and innovative research tools that journalists and others can use to hold power to account.

Showing 30 Results

TV Kitchen

TV Kitchen


TV Kitchen is an open source community making it easy to create, collect, and share tools to understand the impact of media. LEARN MORE READ THE DOCS

Washington, DC

We’re publishing reports by Congress’s think tank, the Congressional Research Service, which provides valuable insight and non-partisan analysis of issues of public debate. These reports are already available to the well-connected — we’re making them available to everyone for free.

The HTTP Archive

The HTTP Archive

San Francisco

The HTTP Archive Tracks How the Web is Built.

The 2024 Web Almanac

Our mission is to combine the raw stats and trends of the HTTP Archive with the expertise of the web community.

Juriscraper Legal Scraping Toolkit

Juriscraper is a data gathering library written in Python that collects legal opinions, PACER content, and oral arguments from the American court system.

Little Cases Bots

Little Cases Bots

Oakland, California

The Big Cases bot follows the biggest cases in the country, but many people want updates for specific topics they follow.

Eyecite Citation Extractor

Eyecite Citation Extractor

Oakland, California

Eyecite is a high performance, robust, open source tool for extracting legal citations from text.

X-Ray Bad Redaction Detector

X-Ray is a fast and robust tool to identify bad redactions in PDF files.



Oakland, California

Doctor is a microservice for converting and extracting documents and audio files.

San Francisco

Find Research Papers, Topics, Researchers

Dataset Search

Dataset Search is a search engine for datasets. Using a simple keyword search, users can discover datasets hosted in thousands of repositories across the Web.

The People Say

The People Say

20 Jay Street, Suite 203 Brooklyn, NY 11201 USA

A qualitative research database featuring excerpts from 100+ hours of interviews with older adults talking about the issues most important to them.

Public Data Access Programs - A First Look

The EU’s Digital Services Act mandates greater researcher data access from platforms; Mozilla and the National Conference on Citizenship investigated 19 platforms’ responses



United States of America (the)

a Discord bot for ethical, responsive digital ethnography

Sourcebase Inquiry

Sourcebase Inquiry

United States of America (the) is an AI platform designed for journalists, researchers, and professionals who need to make sense of massive amounts of source material.

Common Crawl

Common Crawl maintains a free, open repository of web crawl data that can be used by anyone.



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Fatima's mission is for every person in the world to have their voice heard, while ensuring a safe, secure, and ethical research experience.

Civic Infrastructure Scan

To build the foundations of democracy with intention, as Jill Blair and Malka Kopell suggest, there is a need to survey the types of civic infrastructure in place and how these building blocks fit together in order to appreciate where the cracks and crevices are that need strengthening.


Collaborate is an open-source tool that newsrooms can use to enable multiple reporters to share a dataset.

The OpenAustralia Foundation PO Box 147 Katoomba NSW 2780

Take the hassle out of web scraping


The global archive of research material for investigative reporting.

X-ray contact

X-ray contact

Slovenia (Slovenija)

A platform for searching information about people based on open-source data

Free Law Project

Free Law Project

Oakland, California

Free Law Project is the leading nonprofit using software, data, and advocacy to make the legal ecosystem more equitable and competitive.



Mountain View, CA, USA

Explore and analyze large collections of documents. By Google Journalist Studio.

Prosocial Design Network

A library of design interventions to encourage prosocial behaviors online


DocumentCloud runs every document you upload through Thomson Reuters OpenCalais, giving you access to extensive information about the people, places and organizations mentioned in each.

Semantic Scholar

an AI-powered scientific paper search engine. It provides a one-sentence tl;dr (too long; didn’t read) summary under every computer science paper (for now) when users use the search function or go to an author’s page.

Source Africa

It is Africa’s premier repository for documents that the public need to help make more informed decisions, or that help civic watchdogs such as the media or social justice NGOs substantiate their reportage, or documents that have been suppressed or censored elsewhere.

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