Tag:   Issue > fires - (12)

Showing 12 Results

Mitigating Wildfire

Mitigating Wildfire

Burnaby, Canada

The Mitigating Wildfire Initiative facilitates dialogue and collaboration to identify and advance solutions that address the fundamental changes happening in wildfire risk and management in British Columbia.

Watch Duty

Watch Duty

Santa Rosa, California, USA

Watch Duty, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, alerts you of nearby wildfires and firefighting efforts in real-time.

Earth Fire Alliance

Earth Fire Alliance

United States of America (the)

Earth Fire Alliance is a global, community-led, non-profit coalition aligned to deliver transformative real-time data from all fires on Earth.



United States of America (the)

A new global satellite constellation designed specifically to detect and track wildfires the size of a classroom within 20 minutes.


FireBench is the largest high-fidelity wildfire simulation dataset, enabling the generation of ensembles of fire evolution scenarios and combining observational environmental data with high-fidelity simulations.



Germany (Deutschland)

The messenger for emergency services

Eye In The Sky

Using High-Altitude Balloons [and drones] for Decision Support in Wildfire Operations



Seattle, WA, United States of America

Reforesting after wildfires with drones



Lincoln, NE, USA

The system attaches to a drone, and drops small incendiaries known as “dragon eggs” from a safe height, at a much lower cost and personal risk than a helicopter.



Bay Area, CA, USA

Collaborative, real-time incident response tool for first responders.

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