The Tech > Civic data > Data governance - (29)

Data governance is the overall management of the availability, usability, integrity, security, and privacy of data used in an organization, involving a set of processes, policies, standards, and technologies to ensure data is handled in a legal, ethical, and efficient manner.

Showing 29 Results

Liverpool City Region Civic Data Cooperative (Civic Data Coop)

The Liverpool City Region Civic Data Cooperative (LCR CDC) is a data governance project funded by the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA) and hosted by the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences at the University of Liverpool.

To Community

To Community

United States of America (the)

To Community is a set of strategies for bonding companies to communities. It’s also an open research program on how to transition society to new forms of community ownership and governance.

Connected by Data

We campaign for communities to have a powerful say in decisions about data and AI

The East Africa Data Governance Conference

The Data Governance Conference is a pioneering event focused on advancing data governance across the East African Community (EAC).

Party Data Trust

Party Data Trust

43, Susaek-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

데이터트러스트는 공익 단체, 공공 기관, 시민, 연구자 등 다양한 주체들이 함께 공익 데이터를 생산, 관리, 공유하는 데이터 거버넌스 체계를 만듭니다. (DataTrust creates a data governance system in which various entities, including public interest organizations, public institutions, citizens, and researchers, work together to produce, manage, and share public interest data)

Africa Data Leadership Initiative

Africa Data Leadership Initiative

United Nations Foundation

The Africa Data Leadership Initiative (ADLI) is a ​peer learning and exchange network designed by and for African policymakers, legislators, researchers, technologists, and digital rights advocates working on data governance and digital platforms and services.

Climate Data Joint Learning Network

Climate Data Joint Learning Network

United Nations Foundation

The Climate Data JLN will surface key data governance innovations that will enable climate-relevant data to be more accessible and useful for frontline governments and communities.

Data Governance

Data Governance

Barcelona, Spain

Platformable's Data Governance training products, resources and tools can help your organisation to build a comprehensive, automated, high quality data governance system.


We help platforms transition to community-driven data management.

Cities and Digital Human Rights is a platform for public officials, specialists, collaborators, and organisations globally who want to promote an inclusive and democratic development of new technologies in their cities.

Open Vilnius

Open Vilnius

Vilnius, Lithuania

The Innovation and Technology Group of the Vilnius City Municipality is developing digital innovations aimed at the smart development of the Lithuanian capital.

Raval data commons

Raval data commons

Barcelona, Spain

Developing a robust and replicable Data Commons methodology in the Raval, Barcelona



Latin America

Interconexió es una plataforma que impulsa el intercambio y co-producción de datos entre organizaciones de sociedad civil en América Latina para hacer frente a retos transfronterizos y hacer eficientes los esfuerzos de la región.

Is That Even Legal? A guide for builders experimenting with data governance

Is That Even Legal? A guide for builders experimenting with data governance

Mozilla, East Evelyn Avenue, Mountain View, CA, USA

What builders in Germany, India, Kenya, and the United States need to know when experimenting with new approaches to data governance

Data Responsibility Working Group (DRWG)

The Data Responsibility Working Group (DRWG) is a global coordination body working to advance data responsibility across the humanitarian system.

IASC Operational Guidance on Data Responsibility in Humanitarian Action

While each organization is responsible for its own data, humanitarians under the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) – which brings together United Nations (UN) entities, Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) consortia and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement – need common normative, system-wide guidance to inform individual and collective action and to uphold a high standard for data responsibility in different operating environments.

MetroLab Network's Data Governance Initiative

MetroLab Network's Data Governance Initiative

444 North Capitol Street Northwest, Washington, DC 20001, USA

The task force is creating multi-faceted policy and practice tools to inform, guide, and facilitate responsible data governance by cities and counties

Dark Data Project

The Dark Data Project helps organizations uncover, deobfuscate, semantify and analyze problematic datasets

Data Governance

Data Governance is an important component of enabling our mission because we believe that while the world needs better quality and more granular data to achieve its development goals, people’s rights must also be protected zealously. In partnership with Amnesty International, the Open Institute aims to bring together expertise in data for human rights and data for development towards strengthening data governance in Kenya and Africa as a whole

Environmental Data & Governance Initiative (EDGI)

EDGI is an action-oriented research collaborative driven by the Environmental Right to Know (ERTK) – the belief that people should be able to know and make decisions about environmental conditions of concern, and that the collection and stewardship of environmental information should equip people, communities, and workers to protect their health and support the flourishing of surrounding ecosystems.


We help people and organisations to benefit from personal data in a human-centric way. To create a fair, sustainable, and prosperous digital society for all.

Governance game

Governance game

Netherlands (Nederland, Holland)

A card game that helps organizations and communities explore governance around a shared codebase, whether hypothetical or in a real-world collaboration.

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