The Tech > Participatory democracy > Civic crowdfunding platforms - (33)

Distributed resource-gathering campaigns facilitated by dedicated platforms. While many civic projects make use of mainstream crowdfunding platforms, other platforms focused explicitly on civic, urban, or social impact projects.

Showing 33 Results


Give directly to worthy causes and get a video update showing the difference you make.



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Donate directly to a homeless person or refugee. Follow their journey into a career and home with our award-winning support 🤝



Russian Federation (the)

Взаимопомощь и защита своих прав — это неотъемлемые составляющие гражданского общества


Peer 2 Peer fundraiser for individuals, teams & supporters

Give Asia

Give Asia

Republic of South Korea (Hanguk or Namhan)

civic crowdfunding platform based in Korea



Estonia (Eesti Vabariik)

Urbanpinion is a citizen engagement platform that lets city government, community leaders, architects and activists easily set up a landing with an interactive map to collect citizens suggestions, receive analytics based on collected data and make later on right decisions for city development.


Together we convert your audience into your own community, which supports you to finance your creations sustainably.

I Take Actions

I Take Actions

Abuja, Nigeria

A web platform where citizens take civic action for issues they care about


Crypto-based crowdfunding where the group votes on funding proposals and distributes millions in funding accordingly

Voor Je Buurt

Wil je zelf een programma opstarten in samenwerking met Voor je Buurt?



Detroit, MI

Patronicity brings together local citizens and sponsors to support great initiatives in their communities.


CrowdJustice is a crowdfunding platform that enables individuals, groups and communities to come together to fund legal action.


Online fundraising software for nonprofit crowdfunding, peer-to-peer fundraising, and donation pages. Start taking donations online for free.

A crowdsourcing platform, run by volunteers, to share useful and verified information on the Coronavirus pandemic in Italy

Berkeley City Council municipal bonds civic crowdfunding

In partnership with municipal crowdfunding platform Neighborly and the Berkeley Blockchain Lab, Berkeley City Council is planning on issuing municipal bonds on the blockchain.

The Human Utility

The Human Utility

287 Lester Avenue, Oakland, CA 94606, USA

The Human Utility provides assistance to families and makes sure they always have running water at home.

Ignition Deck WordPress plugin

IgnitionDeck is the world's most popular WordPress crowdfunding plugin. Includes free WordPress Crowdfunding Theme. Integrates with Paypal, Stripe, Mailchimp.


Plataforma colaborativa de financiamento de iniciativas voltadas para o enfrentamento dos efeitos do Coronavírus nas periferias brasileiras.


GoFundMe: The most trusted free online fundraising platform. Start a successful crowdfunding campaign on the site with over $5 Billion Raised. Read our guarantee!



Hong Kong

We are committed to building a crowdsourcing community for social innovators.


Kickstarter is the world's largest funding platform for creative projects. A home for film, music, art, theater, games, comics, design, photography, and more.


Neighborly delivers access, efficiency and transparency to borrowing communities and investors in the municipal bond market.


Start a new political campaign and begin crowdfunding in minutes. Support candidates and causes you agree with. Crowdpac is your home for impacting politics.




Die Lobby für alle ohne Lobby. Wir setzen uns für die politischen Interessen von Bürgern & kleinen Organisationen ein. #lobbyfüralle

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