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The 2022 Ranking Digital Rights Telco Giants Scorecard

The 2022 Ranking Digital Rights Telco Giants Scorecard

740 15th Street, N.W., Suite 900 Washington, DC 20005

Ranking Digital Rights's inaugural Telco Giants Scorecard reveals that telecom companies, despite being gatekeepers of the internet for most of the world, are less transparent overall and more susceptible to government demands than their Big Tech peers.

How can civic tech help improve government service delivery?

Ever wonder, “How can civic tech help improve government service delivery?” If so, check out this new research from the Canadian Digital Service! It includes 5 case studies of partnerships between the Canadian government and civic tech groups, plus tools to assess if civic tech might be a good partner for a government initiative. Find it here: https://digital.canada.ca/2025/01/23/how-can-civic-tech-help-improve-government-service-delivery/

The online information environment

A report by the Royal Society on the impact of the internet on our information environment, and on misinformation relating to scientific issues

Making TikTok, tick

Making TikTok, tick

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Using our AI-assisted research methodologies we examined more than 30,000 videos relating to mainstream political discourse in the UK

Inescapable AI

Inescapable AI

Los Angeles, CA

Employing a broad definition of AI, this report represents the first known effort to comprehensively explain and quantify the reach of AI-based decision-making among low-income people in the United States.

Pitfalls of Aiming to Empower the Bottom from the Top: The Case of Philippine Participatory Budgeting

Paper by Joy Aceron, 2019. This paper explains why and how a reform program that opened up spaces for participatory budgeting was ultimately unable to result in pro-citizen power shifts that transformed governance.

Leveraging AI for Democracy: Civic Innovation on the New Digital Playing Field

3 essays by Beth Kerley, Carl Miller, and Fernanda Campagnucci outline possible paths toward a prodemocratic vision for AI

Automating (In)Justice: An Adversarial Audit of RisCanvi

Eticas Foundation's adversarial audit of an AI-powered criminal justice tool, RisCanvi, that has been used in Catalonia since 2009 finds it "does not meet the required standards of reliability and fairness."

Open Government for Stronger Democracies

Open Government for Stronger Democracies

OECD, Rue André Pascal, Paris, France

An OECD global assessment of countries' implementation of its 2017 Recommendation on Open Government

Public Data Access Programs - A First Look

The EU’s Digital Services Act mandates greater researcher data access from platforms; Mozilla and the National Conference on Citizenship investigated 19 platforms’ responses

Privacidad es seguridad

En los últimos quince años, los peruanos hemos renunciado a muchos aspectos de nuestra privacidad en nombre de la seguridad. ¿Ha valido la pena?

Tech for Forests

In the period between the beginning of 2021 and the middle of 2022, we investigated open-source digital infrastructures used by communities that are under the constant threat of violation of civil and environmental rights.

Delete Nothing

Delete Nothing

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Delete Nothing aims to document technology-related gender-based violence in Sri Lanka, particularly but not limited to the experiences of girls, women, and queer and trans people in Sri Lanka.

A Fourth Wave of Open Data? Exploring the Spectrum of Scenarios for Open Data and Generative AI

Our report, “A Fourth Wave of Open Data? Exploring the Spectrum of Scenarios for Open Data and Generative AI,” (May 2024) provides a new framework and recommendations to support open data providers and other interested parties in making open data “ready” for generative AI.

Path to 2024 Polarization Report Series

Path to 2024 Polarization Report Series

United States of America (the)

PRL’s Path to 2024 report series is a new monthly chronicle covering partisan attitudes of Americans in the lead-up to the November 2024 presidential election. Each month, we focus on a different salient issue affecting voters and analyze public attitudes from our weekly public opinion poll.

Mozilla’s Elections Casebook

Mozilla’s Elections Casebook

Mountain View, CA, USA

Scrutinizing what steps platforms have taken to protect election integrity globally

The State of Open Humanitarian Data 2024

The State of Open Humanitarian Data 2024

Humanity Hub, Fluwelen Burgwal, The Hague, Netherlands

A ten-year anniversary retrospective on the Humanitarian Data Exchange, which was accessed by 1.4 million people in 230 countries to download 2.7 million open humanitarian datasets in 2023.

Government AI Readiness Index

This year we assess the AI readiness of 193 governments across the world. We are also introducing an interactive map to make our data more accessible!

Global Multidimensional Poverty Index

The 2019 Global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) data and publication "Illuminating Inequalities" released on 11 July 2019 shed light on the number of people experiencing poverty at regional, national and subnational levels, and reveal inequalities across countries and among the poor themselves.

State-level Digital Transformation Policy Scan: Executive Orders

State-level Digital Transformation Policy Scan: Executive Orders

Georgetown University, 3700 O St NW, Washington, DC 20057, United States

In Fall 2023, the Digital Service Network kicked off its digital transformation policy scan by documenting executive orders (EO) enacted since 2013 that shape the digital transformation of government across states and territories.

State of AI Report 2023

Relevant section: Politics: Regulation of AI, its economic implications and the evolving geopolitics of AI.

Building Trust in AI: A Landscape Analysis of Government AI Programs

A critical review of the accuracy of countries' submissions to the OECD's AI Policy Observatory site, tracking national government AI programs

Encrypted Messaging Applications and Political Messaging: How They Work and Why Understanding Them is Important for Combating Global Disinformation

This report provides an overview of how various EMAs work, a review of popular EMAs and their notable features (LINE, Signal, Telegram, Viber, WhatsApp, and WeChat), and examples of how EMAs have been used for political manipulation

Mercenários Digitais

Brasil: Investigação transnacional revela empresas de marketing político ligadas à extrema direita

Guia de Proteção para Defensoras e Defensores de Direitos Humanos

A publicação visa colaborar na construção de estratégias de proteção, fomentando oficinas coletivas com defensoras e defensores de direitos humanos (DDHs), movimentos sociais e organizações da sociedade civil.

Trapped in a Web: The Exploitation of Personal Data in Hungary’s 2022 Elections

The [Human Rights Watch] report finds that data collected by the state for administering public services, such as registering for the Covid vaccine, administering tax benefits, and mandatory membership in professional associations, was repurposed to spread Fidesz’s campaign messages.

Measuring People Power

How do you measure gifts of time, expertise and leadership? What indicators can you use to assess grassroots power building, organising and volunteer initiatives?

Chatbots in humanitarian contexts

Chatbots in humanitarian contexts

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Report by the British Red Cross on aid groups' rush to use chatbots, from a skeptical perspective

State of Digital Inequity

The report is based on a survey of 7,500+ civil society organizations (CSOs) from 136 countries who answered questions about the barriers that they, and the communities they serve, face when it comes to digital equity.

Ethics in Artificial Intelligence and Government report

This [Canadian] report includes the following: Importance of ethics in AI and government, Understanding the impacts of AI on society, Balancing AI-driven efficiency with privacy and security concerns, and Cyber-security and digital trust.

Are We Together?

Are We Together?

Ethiopia (Ityop'iya)

The findings from our study are intended to provide insights to developers and designers to improve the accessibility and inclusivity of digital platforms from the perspective of language.

Growing & Sustaining African Civic Tech

Growing & Sustaining African Civic Tech

South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)

A Playbook for learning about funding and financing options for the African civic technology community.

2022 Political Tech Landscape Report

Every year, we track innovations and changes across the political tech space, recognizing the need to capture the developments in this fast-changing industry. This report focuses on the historic 2022 midterm cycle.

How Cities Make Software Together

A report by Written by Nneka Sobers and Dr. Anthony Townsend.

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