The People > Learn about civic tech > Civic fiction - (14)

Creative and innovative fiction projects exploring different issues related to civic tech. From tv programs to educate people about legal rights to documentaries and novels that explore social justice and civic imagination.

Showing 14 Results

Pocket Change

‘Pocket Change’ is a Hindi digital content channel that creates relatable, comedy content for young Indians with civic engagement at its heart.



House 2, Plot 622, Mercy Samuelson Estate, Karmo, Abuja

The Nigeria Integrity Film Awards (HomeVida) is a unique platform that provides incentives for young scriptwriters and filmmakers to promote integrity values using film while influencing the wider public.

Disco Sour novel

“Disco Sour is a hallucinatory trip through a future which feels just a phone-swipe away. There are notes of Pynchon, Stross, Heller and Stephenson here, but this is very much Porcaro’s book. It’s wildly inventive, scarily plausible, and it’s also very, very funny.”

Civic Studios

Civic Studios

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

The production house focuses on creating content in the genre of Civic Entertainment, i.e. films, TV, digital content, radio content, etc. which can be used to encourage civic participation with public institutions, and thus strengthen democracy.

Police Case

Police Case

Sierra Leone

Police Case uses popular TV culture to educate the public about legal rights and the justice system.

How do you like it so far?

How do you like it so far?

3502 Watt Way, ASC 104 Los Angeles, CA 90089-0281

How Do You Like It So Far uses pop culture to take soundings of a society in transition, exploring intersections with civic imagination and engagement, and social and political change. Henry Jenkins and Colin Maclay are your guides on this adventure.

Speculative Tourism

Speculative Tourism is an international project that operates at the crossroads of science fiction, historical tourism, Augmented Reality and local action.

Count the Nation

Count the Nation

Los Angeles, CA

The USC Annenberg Innovation Lab and Wise Entertainment have assembled a powerful coalition of experts in media, communications, data, technology and journalism to ensure everyone knows how much census participation benefits their community.


"Artifice" describes the end of a relationship between an Apple iPhone and an Amazon Echo.

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