The Tech > Govtech > Voting and elections > Voter outreach - (11)

Efforts to reach out to voters to help them register and vote.

Showing 11 Results

Atlas by Murmuration

Atlas by Murmuration

United States of America (the)

Atlas by Murmuration is seamlessly integrated into our tools, providing the data that community-focused organizations need to drive change.

Can I Vote?

Can I Vote?

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

This is a joint initiative run by Citizens UK, Migrant Democracy Project and Just Register. Together we are helping migrants in the UK to get registered to vote.



Austin, TX

An affordable voter file perfect for civic engagement and grassroots organizing

Public Information Records (PIR)

Civitech’s proprietary data set features nearly 30 million records of unregistered potential voters.

Comunitatea Funky Citizens

An 2024 election info hub and civic caravan for Romanian citizens

Match avec la démocratie

À partir du jeudi 17 février 2022 et jusqu’au 8 avril, l'ensemble des membres de Tinder en France âgés de 18 à 25 ans verront donc apparaître plusieurs “Swipe Video Card'' détaillant les démarches à suivre pour les élections présidentielles de 2022. Chaque Swipe Card dirige les membres vers notre page “Infos élections”.

Democratic Data Exchange

Expanding the Democratic and progressive data ecosystem by facilitating a real time, blind exchange of voter contact data across the Left.

How to organize a phone bank

Improve the productivity of your phone bank volunteers with this free online training

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