Tag:   Issue > humanitarian - (8)

Showing 8 Results

Field Tasking Manager (FieldTM)

FIeldTM allows for coordinating field mapping activities in Open Mapping campaigns. While there are existing field mapping applications, there is a lack of efficient tools to coordinate these activities. The FMTM builds on the HOT Tasking Manager and other mapping applications to provide a more streamlined and organized process for completing field mapping tasks.

Project Dokaz Alliance

Project Dokaz Alliance

450 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305, USA

This project brings together leading innovators from the international criminal law community with pioneers in the Web3 ecosystem to develop secure and resilient solutions for accountability in Ukraine.

Open Mapping Hub - Eastern and Southern Africa

The Open Mapping Hub - Eastern and Southern Africa exists to serve communities in the region by supporting the creation, maintenance, distribution, and use of high-quality open maps that are relevant for and contributed to by local communities.

Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) (HOTOSM)

Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) (HOTOSM)

1100 13th Street NW Suite 800 Washington, D.C. 20005

HOT is an international team dedicated to humanitarian action and community development through open mapping.

The Sentinel Project

Founded in 2008, the Sentinel Project is a Canadian non-profit organization that assists communities threatened by mass atrocities worldwide through direct cooperation with the people in harm’s way and the innovative use of technology.

Google Crisis Map

Google Crisis Map

Mountain View, CA, USA

A collection of national and regional-scale layers related to weather, hazards, and emergency preparedness and response, mostly for the US.

Worldie – Social Media for Good

Worldie‘s mission is to create safety, equality, humanitarianism, positive social impact, and all-in-one integration to improve lives with technology, helpful social media systems, social projects, public safety, crowdsourced help, and a network of partners.

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