Tag:   Issue > harassment - (16)

Showing 16 Results



Colombo, Sri Lanka

Prathya is an online ecosystem of support for persons affected by OGBV in Sri Lanka developed by the organizations Hashtag Generation and Delete Nothing and was launched in October 2022.


Trolling, or social media behavior that is uncivil and provocative is one of the most potent sources of political polarization today

Center for Technology and Society (Anti-Defamation League)

How do we ensure justice and fair treatment for all in a digital environment? How do we counter online hate, protect free speech, and use social media to reduce bias in society? The Center for Technology and Society takes ADL’s civil rights mission and applies it to the 21st century.

Callisto Vault

Callisto Vault

San Francisco

A suite of tools designed to help survivors navigate barriers and define their own pathways toward healing and justice. Within Callisto Vault, survivors can access two tools: the Matching System and Encrypted Record Form.

Féministes contre le cyberharcèlement

Association féministe intersectionnelle à l'origine de #TwitterAgainstWomen, notre objectif est de sensibiliser et d'informer sur les cyberviolences, les droits des victimes et les recours possibles.

PEN America’s Online Harassment Field Manual

A training guide for journalists and writers on how to respond to online harassment and abuse, including building a community of supporters and developing counterspeech messages.

Malign Creativity: How Gender, Sex, and Lies Are Weaponized Against Women Online

Report striving to build awareness of the direct and indirect impacts of gendered and sexualized disinformation on women in public life, as well as its corresponding impacts on national security and democratic participation.

Conversation AI

Conversation AI

Google, 8th Avenue, Manhattan, New York, NY, USA

Conversation AI is a collaborative research effort exploring ML as a tool for better discussions online.



Google, 8th Avenue, Manhattan, New York, NY, USA

Perspective is an API that uses machine learning to spot abuse and harassment online.

Project Callisto

Project Callisto

United States of America (the)

Project Callisto helps survivors of sexual assualt and harrasment on college campuses document sexual assault, seek counseling, and start an investigation.


Harnessing Data Science to Measure and Counter Hate Speech & Crime

Samurai Labs

Samurai is a Frontier Artificial Intelligence Lab Dedicated to Eliminating Online Violence

Center for Countering Digital Hate

The Center for Countering Digital Hate's primary goal is to disrupt alliances between hate actors and political parties actors in digital spaces.

Worldie – Social Media for Good

Worldie‘s mission is to create safety, equality, humanitarianism, positive social impact, and all-in-one integration to improve lives with technology, helpful social media systems, social projects, public safety, crowdsourced help, and a network of partners.

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