Showing 20 Results

The Students' Assembly on Gen AI in Higher Education

In the context of rising concerns regarding GenAI use, a two-day deliberative process was organized and hosted at the University of Edinburgh’s Edinburgh Futures Institute. A total of 17 students from 6 disciplines, gathered and deliberated on the question “How can we reimagine teaching, learning, and research methods to align with the advancements in AI and ethics?”.

AI tools for Decidim

AI tools for Decidim

Barcelona, Spain

Work in progress AI integration for the participation platform that allows platform admins to install and configure a spam detection service so that any suspicious content gets reported at the earliest possible step.

Asociacion de Software Libre Decidim (Decidim Free Software Association)

The Decidim Free Software Association is a democratic association for the governance of the Decidim community.

Participa gencat

Participa gencat

Catalonia (Spain)

Portal de participació ciutadana de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Decidim instance.

The Decidim ‘soft infrastructure’: democratic platforms and technological autonomy in Barcelona

Paper by Paolo Cardullo, Ramon Ribera-Fumaz, and Paco González Gil. "In this paper we focus on the platform’s ‘soft infrastructure’ – the network of developers, ethical hackers, academics, maintainers, advocates and activists, and city administrators but also the agreements with the city and the documentation produced – on its internal governance arrangements and the provincialising relationships these might entail."

NYC Civic Engagement Commission Decidim platform

A space to enhance civic participation, promote civic trust, and strengthen democracy in New York City

Decidim Census

A small static website gathering open data from Decidim platforms around the world.



Helsinki, Finland

Helsinki's Decidim instance used for participatory budgeting



Barcelona, Spain

DecidimFest is an intense 3-day program of activities devoted to the Decidim project, participatory democracy and open source tools for collective intelligence in the era of Global Democracy.



Barcelona, Spain

Free open-source participatory democracy for cities and organizations

Decidim Barcelona

Decidim Barcelona

Barcelona, Spain

Decidim instance for Barcelona. Benvingut/da a la plataforma de participació de Barcelona.

Pétitions Assemblée Nationale

Pétitions Assemblée Nationale

Assemblée Nationale, Rue de l'Université, Paris, France

Cette plateforme permet d'adresser des pétitions à l'Assemblée nationale et de signer des pétitions déjà enregistrées. Les pétiti

Participez Nanterre

Participez Nanterre

Nanterre, France

Bienvenue sur la plateforme participative de la ville de Nanterre! Construisons ensemble une société plus ouverte, transparente et collaborative. A Decidim instance.

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