This course uniquely combines the critical lens of art with the innovation framework of DesignX, promoting introspection and thoughtful deliberation before diving into design interventions.
This programme will support 100 people to become Everyday Democracy Champions, in turn catalysing the action of others in communities furthest from power, and creating tangible change across all four UK nations.
This course will provide you with skills to develop an applied understanding of how to use technological platforms to enhance the interface between government and citizens in the delivery of services.
The Cyberharassment Clinic is a program at a law school that allows students to represent victims of online harassment, cyberbullying, and revenge porn.
This Coursera course aims to help learners understand how inequity and injustice can become embedded in technology, science, and associated policies, and how this can be addressed.
The Civic Tech Institute at Equitech Futures empowers leaders in the social sector - governments, nonprofits, and social enterprises - with the data and technology skills critical to achieving impact at scale.
The Justice Media co-Lab at Boston University provides the programmatic structure to train a new generation of computational investigative journalists equipped to leverage the power of computing and data science to advance justice and transparency.
IREX’s Learn to Discern approach builds resilience to manipulative information by empowering those who engage with media and information to navigate it in a safe, critical, responsible, healthy, and empathy-driven way.
For entrepreneurial MIT students looking to put their skills to work for a greater good, the Media Arts and Sciences class MAS.664 (AI for Impact) has been a destination point.
Through a unique pan-university course, NYC universities partner to explore challenges and opportunities & build prototypes at the intersection of technology, media and democracy
Based on extensive research with these communities to build and refine products, we are offering: best practices, use cases, and knowledge from human rights activists, community organizers, and technologists from across the globe.
A free online course offered by The GovLab on: How to take advantage of technology, data and the collective wisdom in our communities to design powerful solutions to contemporary problems.
La Academia de Innovación Política es una plataforma que busca generar espacios de formación virtuales y presenciales para la transferencia y co-construcción de conceptos, prácticas, metodologías y herramientas de gobernanza democrática en los escenarios actuales.
The Climate Change AI summer school is designed to educate and prepare participants with a background in artificial intelligence and/or a background in a climate-change related field to tackle major climate problems using AI.
This seminar by Jonathan Piron tackles the issues raised by digital technologies for political institutions, politics and policies, and more broadly for the evolution of what we call “democracy“.
in which students are partnered with a local community in Michigan for the purpose of using information and technology to effect change in how citizens interact with and are served by local units of government.
This course brings together engineering students from MIT with law students from Georgetown Law School to explore current issues in privacy policy and technology.
The Visualization and Data Analytics Research Center at NYU consists of computer scientists who work closely with domain experts to apply the latest advances in computing to problems of critical societal importance, and simultaneously generate hypotheses and methods that new data sources and data types demand.
Journalism in the 21st century involves finding, collecting, analyzing and visualizing data for stories. The Journalism School offers foundational courses in data‐driven journalism as well as a three-semester M.S. in Data Journalism degree for students interested in advanced skills.
Ford Motor Company Engineering Design Center 2133 Sheridan Rd. G.302 Evanston, IL 60208
Design for America is an idea incubator, a motivated community, and a way of approaching complicated challenges. DFA shapes the next generation of social innovators.
Offers world-class online courses that empower you to think differently, learn collaboratively and join a global community of learners and doers with a burning desire to change the world.
Securing Digital Democracy from University of Michigan. In this course, you'll learn what every citizen should know about the security risks--and future potential — of electronic voting and Internet voting. We'll take a look at the past, present, ...
The Civic Leadership Academy is an interdisciplinary leadership development program for emerging and high-potential leaders in nonprofit organizations and local government agencies within the City of Chicago and Cook County.
Learn about design thinking, justice innovation, and legal tech and apply them to the challenge of developing products and services that yield better justice outcomes.
iCivics works to ensure every student in America receives a quality and engaging civic education and graduates from high school well prepared and enthusiastic for citizenship