The Tech > Govtech > Voting and elections > Voter assistance tech - (33)

Voter assistance tech seeks to help inform voters about their choices in elections and where and how they can vote.

Showing 33 Results

UK Electoral Commission Chatbot

UK Electoral Commission Chatbot

Newspeak House, Bethnal Green Road, London, UK

Find information faster on the Electoral Commission website: Use our chatbot to do the searching for you

Voting Counts

Voting Counts

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Our mission is to provide accessible information and tools to help citizens make informed decisions and participate in the democratic process.

First Aid Democracy Toolkits

As a citizen-centric European civil society organisation, ECAS developed its First Aid Democracy toolkit aimed at equipping citizens and civil society organisations with knowledge and practical tips for maintaining a healthy democracy.

Can I Vote?

Can I Vote?

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

This is a joint initiative run by Citizens UK, Migrant Democracy Project and Just Register. Together we are helping migrants in the UK to get registered to vote.


ElectoFacts is a resource that Canadian electors can use to easily check whether information they come across about Canada's federal electoral process is true or not.

A Voté chatbot sur WhatsApp

Il assiste les utilisateurs dans leur parcours de vote : pour vérifier leur inscription sur les listes électorales, leur rappeler les dates limites pour s’inscrire, les dates des élections 2022 et la procédure pour faire une procuration.

Rinkėjo puslapis

Rinkėjo puslapis

Lithuania (Lietuva)

"Voter Page" aims at providing electronic advanced services to voters.

The Center for New Data

The Center for New Data

United States of America (the)

The Center for New Data is a non-profit using big data to build a stronger democracy.

MyCandidate Nigeria

MyCandidate Nigeria

South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)

The MyCandidate platform empowers citizens of African countries to play an active role in electoral and democratic processes during elections and strengthens civil society’s advocacy work ahead of and post elections. MyCandidate, ingests electoral candidate data, to present it in a way that all voters can understand on a widely-accessible web-based platform.

United States of America (the) produces nonpartisan voters guides that show where candidates stand. They’re produced by veteran journalists with links to credible sources. Whether you vote by mail or head to the polls, our guides let you do it with confidence



Russian Federation (the)

The Association of Non-Profit Organizations "In Defense of Voters' Rights"

African Elections Project

The African Elections Project : your authoritative African Elections Information and Knowledge online portal, covering elections across the continent




Social elections solution for staff representative elections

Vote Rookie

Vote Rookie

Germany (Deutschland)

Vote Rookie ist eine überparteiliche Demokratie Plattform. Wir unterstützen junge Menschen bei der Teilhabe an Politik und bürgerschaftlichem Engagement.


Mchaguzi is an independent web-based, voter-centred electoral intelligence toolkit designed and implemented by The Demography Project, to enhance citizen participation and engagement before, during and after the 2022 Kenyan General Election.

Real 411

Real 411

South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)

Real411 was created to give all citizens the power to report digital disinformation during the run up to the 2019 South African National and Provincial Elections.



San Francisco

VoteAmerica builds technology to simplify political engagement, increase voter turnout, and strengthen American democracy for all eligible voters.

Municipales App

A l’occasion des élections de 2020, dote le citoyen d’outils pour comprendre le débat, y participer et exprimer sa voix. Participez au changement !



1 Avery St, Boston, MA, USA

A single civic action each day ensures that a voter will never miss an election and feel empowered showing up to the polls.

Branch Politics

Branch Politics

Atlanta, GA, USA

Branch makes it easy to quickly prepare for your next election

Az Glasuvam

„АЗ ГЛАСУВАМ” е специално разработена платформа. С нейна помощ, лесно ще можете да се информирате за всички важни моменти от изборния процес в България.



1730 M Street Northwest, Washington, DC 20036, USA

Election Information You Need, sponsored by the League of Women Voters Education Fund

Vote for Policies

Vote for Policies

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Vote for Policies makes it easy to compare what the political parties are promising to do in the 2017 general election. It helps you decide who to vote for.



Hungary (Magyarország)

Voksmonitor 2018 - Melyik párt áll hozzád a legközelebb?

Wahlkompass Digitales

Wahlkompass Digitales

Humboldt-Institut Berlin, Invalidenstraße, Berlin, Germany

707 Seiten Wahlprogramme werden geladen.



La Mesa, California, USA

A comprehensive political database for modern day voters

On The Issues

Tired of media reports of fundraising and poll results instead of policy issues? At, you can see the view of every candidates on every issue.



Chicago, IL

BallotReady is an online voter guide to local elections. We make it easy to vote informed on every candidate all across America.



United States of America (the)

Giving everyone a voice in our democracy

Vote Compass

Vote Compass is an award-winning application, showing you how your views align with those of the candidates running for election.

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