Adjacent Fields > Digital security and privacy > Digital rights > Data rights - (16)

Projects protecting and enhancing the data rights of individual consumers or citizens

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Showing 16 Results

Germany (Deutschland)

Las empresas tienen que darte acceso a tus datos y corregirlos o incluso eliminarlos si es necesario. Como una organización sin fines de lucro, te ayudamos a ejercer esos derechos – gratis y sin necesidad de registrarte.

Germany (Deutschland)

Les entreprises doivent vous donner accès à vos données et les corriger, voire les supprimer si nécessaire. En tant qu'association à but non lucratif, nous vous aidons à exercer ces droits - gratuitement et sans inscription, bien sûr.



Germany (Deutschland)

Building infrastructure for detecting and complaining about tracking and privacy violations in mobile apps on Android and iOS.

Germany (Deutschland)

Companies have to give you access to your data and correct or even delete them if necessary. As a non-profit association, we help you use those rights – free of charge and registration, of course.

Germany (Deutschland)

Poduzeća ti moraju omogućiti pristup tvojim podacima i ispraviti ih ili čak izbrisati ako je potrebno. Kao neprofitna udruga, pomažemo ti koristiti ta prava – besplatno i bez registracije.

Knowledge for Development

Knowledge for Development

Chiang Mai, Thailand

The Knowledge for Development (K4D) Foundation empowers communities and enables social inclusion through capacity building programs to advance data and digital literacy for data-driven innovations and culture.



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Rightly is all about helping you control your data so that it’s kept safe and you get to use it in ways that help you every day. As well as keeping it away from hackers and spammers, you can use your data to help stay on the best deals for insurance and, in the future, utility renewals.

Own Your Data Foundation

We equip every individual with the tools they need to live a safe, protected, and informed digital life.

Data Privacy Day

An international effort to empower individuals and business to respect privacy, safeguard data and enable trust.

Cities Coalition for Digital Rights

Cities Coalition for Digital Rights

United Nations Avenue Nairobi, Kenya 00100

We, the undersigned cities, formally come together to form the Cities Coalition for Digital Rights, to protect and uphold human rights on the internet at the local and global level.



Impact Hub Geneva, Rue Fendt, Geneva, Switzerland

A collaborative tool to display data records on a map. Your data, Your control, Your options

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