Adjacent Fields > Tech for public challenges > Legal tech - (155)

"When people turn to the internet to find legal help, they can quickly become overwhelmed by the amount of information available, and by uncertainty about which sources are reliable. To make it easier for users to access timely, relevant, and accurate guidance, legal services organizations and court self-help centers in some states have launched legal assistance portals."

- What Are the Essential Elements of Legal Assistance Portals? by Pew Charitable Trusts

Showing 155 Results


The Spinoza project initially aims to create a tool for journalists based on generative artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance media coverage of climate change and ecological transition, all while relying on reliable sources.

Factstream AI

Factstream AI

Netherlands (Nederland, Holland)

FactStream AI utilizes advanced artificial intelligence to simplify access to essential legal information for newcomers and new community members across Europe.



India (Bhārat)

AI Digital Public Goods for Justice in India

Olumide Babalola LP

Nigeria's Foremost Data Protection Attorneys

[Legal] Reporters Database

[Legal] Reporters Database

Oakland, California

Our Reporters Database is a Python library or JSON file that provides structured information about nearly every American legal reporter.

Little Cases Bots

Little Cases Bots

Oakland, California

The Big Cases bot follows the biggest cases in the country, but many people want updates for specific topics they follow.

Courts Database

Courts Database

Oakland, California

Our Courts Database is a Python library or JSON file that provides structured information about nearly every American court, past or present.

Juriscraper Legal Scraping Toolkit

Juriscraper is a data gathering library written in Python that collects legal opinions, PACER content, and oral arguments from the American court system.



Oakland, California

The RECAP Suite is a collection of tools for working with PACER, the data access system for American federal courts.

The Big Cases Bot

The Big Cases Bot

Oakland, California

The Big Cases Bot follows the most important federal cases in the country

X-Ray Bad Redaction Detector

X-Ray is a fast and robust tool to identify bad redactions in PDF files.



Oakland, California

Doctor is a microservice for converting and extracting documents and audio files.

Eyecite Citation Extractor

Eyecite Citation Extractor

Oakland, California

Eyecite is a high performance, robust, open source tool for extracting legal citations from text.

Concurso Nacional de Estudiantes Universitarios

Concurso Nacional de Estudiantes Universitarios

Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Moot court competitions about intellectual property in Venezuela

Africa Law Tech Festival

The Africa Law Tech Festival is the largest Law and Tech conference in Africa, convening over 2000 delegates from 40+ countries.

Juris Law & Rights App

Juris Law & Rights App

Mozambique (Mocambique)

We seek to empower the poor to know their rights so they can receive justice and avoid exploitation and corruption in many areas of life.

Esheria LexChat

Esheria Lexchat simplifies legal research and guidance, providing seamless access to tools for navigating the complex legal landscape effectively.

Después de la Ley

Una respuesta a las necesidades de mujeres y personas LGBTQ+ que han atravesado situaciones de acoso, acoso sexual, chantaje sexual y difusión de imágenes íntimas sin consentimiento (DIISC) mientras navegaban en internet y que buscan denunciar estos delitos ante el sistema de justicia peruano.

Asegura tu Derecho

Asegura tu Derecho es una herramienta web que permite revisar información en un lenguaje accesible y elaborar el documento que se necesita presentar ante la Superintendencia Nacional de Salud (SuSalud) para la formulación de un reclamo.

Justice Practical Guide

The Practical Guide to Access Justice is a tool available to all citizens, which aims to streamline their interaction with Justice, in the search for the information they need at every moment.



Chicago, IL

A service of the Law Center for Better Housing (LCBH), here to help Illinois tenants facing housing issues

New York Lawyers for the Public Interest

Our committed staff of lawyers, community organizers, policy experts, and other advocates combine forces with 80 member firms, 900 pro bono attorneys, and thousands of community members.



Mexico (Estados Unidos Mexicanos)

SocorroBot is an interactive guide designed to assist individuals in the process of reporting a missing person in Mexico.

Know Your Rights Hong Kong

#KnowYourRightsHK is here to help you understand and exercise your legal rights.

Коллективный иск против сервиса «Яндекс.Еда» в связи с утечкой  персональных данных

Кампания по сбору заявлений в суд против сервиса «Яндекс.Еда» от граждан, чьи данные были обнаружены в утечке. Заявки для участия собираются в онлайн, далее работают адвокаты в судах.

Сетевые свободы: юридическая помощь по делам о свободе выражения мнения в сети

Юристы проекта защищают тех, кого преследуют власти за свободное выражение мнения в Интернете

Regulation, Evaluation, and Governance Lab (RegLab)

Regulation, Evaluation, and Governance Lab (RegLab)

Stanford University, Serra Mall, Stanford, CA, USA

We pilot, build, and test solutions for compliance, mass adjudication, policy making, and government services



United States of America (the)

The First AI Legal Assistant, Made for Lawyers

Concurso Nacional de Estudiantes de Derecho

Concurso Nacional de Estudiantes de Derecho

Valencia, Carabobo, Venezuela

Primer Concurso Nacional de Estudiantes de Derecho

State Case Database

State Case Database

New York University

Search State Court Report’s database of significant state supreme court decisions and pending cases. Download decisions and briefs for cases that develop state constitutional law.

State Court Report

State Court Report

New York University

"[A] nonpartisan source for news, resources, and commentary focused on state courts and state constitutional development. It’s the first and only website dedicated to covering state constitutional cases and trends in high courts across the 50 states."

Privacy Accelerator

Privacy Accelerator

Russian Federation (the)

We help to launch high-quality products in the sphere of privacy and Internet freedom



Boston, MA

The NuLawLab is the interdisciplinary innovation laboratory at Northeastern University School of Law. We are leaders in the emerging global Legal Design movement.

The International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL)

The International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL) works in more than 100 countries to develop long-term relationships with civil society, governments, and the international community to strengthen civic space.

Easy Laws

Easy Laws

Lebanon (Lubnan)

EASY LAWS is a free mobile app and website in Lebanon that explains laws in everyday language, giving ordinary people access to legislation from a citizen’s rather than a legalistic perspective




The comprehensive database of case law from Ghana, Kenya and Nigeria

Israel Tech Policy Institute

Tech policy leadership and scholarship, advancing ethical practices in support of emerging technologies

Justice Hub

Justice Hub


An open source platform for data related to the Indian legal and justice system. Crowdsourced from a community of law and data researchers, practitioners and enthusiasts.

Free Law Project

Free Law Project

Oakland, California

Free Law Project is the leading nonprofit using software, data, and advocacy to make the legal ecosystem more equitable and competitive.

Justicia Lab

Justicia Lab

United States of America (the)

We Build Digital Tools for Immigrant Justice



Office No. 409, 1st Floor, iLaw Foundation, volunteer Orhitsuk Ratchada Soi 14, Huay Kwang, Bangkok

Access to legal information resource in Thailand

Digital Freedom Fund (DFF)

The Digital Freedom Fund supports partners in Europe to advance digital rights through strategic litigation.

Arquivo Casoteca

Arquivo Casoteca

Brazil (Brasil)

Conheça casos envolvendo liberdade de expressão no ambiente digital

Callisto Vault

Callisto Vault

San Francisco

A suite of tools designed to help survivors navigate barriers and define their own pathways toward healing and justice. Within Callisto Vault, survivors can access two tools: the Matching System and Encrypted Record Form.



Oakland, California

Search millions of opinions by case name, topic, or citation. 406 Jurisdictions. Sponsored by the Non-Profit Free Law Project. 501c3



Cleveland, Ohio

Democratizing information about the legal system

Pro Bono Net

Volunteer lawyers and legal aid advocates increasing access to justice From connecting attorneys to those most in need, to creating legal tools to help individuals advocate for themselves, we make the law work for the many and not the few.



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

We are environmental charity with a unique approach - we use the power of our laws to protect life on Earth.

A2J Author

A2J Author

United States of America (the)

A2J Author aims to improve access to justice for people who represent themselves. The service hosts simplified legal information and resources created by legal professionals.

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