Tag:   Community > coop - (14)

Showing 14 Results

To Community

To Community

United States of America (the)

To Community is a set of strategies for bonding companies to communities. It’s also an open research program on how to transition society to new forms of community ownership and governance.

Politics Rewired

Politics Rewired

United States of America (the)

Hundreds of campaigns ⁠— from city council races to Bernie 2020 ⁠— rely on Rewired technology and expertise to build political power from the bottom up.


We provide online meeting and conferencing tools, powered by renewable energy, running on cooperatively owned infrastructure.

Sassafras Tech Collective

We are a worker-owned cooperative that designs and builds technology for justice and joy, working with NGOs, academics, artists, and beyond.

Open Data Services

Open Data Services

1st Floor, Holyoake House, Hanover Street, Manchester M60 0AS

We help people publish and use open data

Join Together

Join Together

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Digital tools for trade unions

Co-op Foundation

Co-op Foundation

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

The Co-op Foundation helps disadvantaged communities overcome their challenges by putting co-operative values into practice. It aims to stimulate and strengthen community action that connects and empowers people so they can work together to make things better.

Up & Go

Up & Go

443 39th St, Brooklyn, NY 11232, United States

Home cleaning in NYC you can feel great about

The Movement Cooperative

The Movement Cooperative

Greeley Square Station 4 East 27th Street New York, NY 10001-9998

By leveraging the collective bargaining power of our members, The Movement Cooperative provides best-in-class data and technology resources that match the needs of progressive organizations at the cheapest possible price point.



Wellington, New Zealand

Loomio is a flexible decision-making tool that helps you create a more engaged and collaborative culture, build trust and coordinate action

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