The People > Fieldwide resources > Awards and prizes - (73)

Funders offer both regular and one-off prizes to recognize and fund civic tech and its practitioners. These are usually granted for work already done, whereas the Challenges category sets a goal and offers to reward those who meet it.

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Showing 73 Results

Access Info Impact Award

Access Info Impact Award

Access Info Europe, Cava de San Miguel 8, 4 Centro, 28005 Madrid, Spain

The Access Info Impact Award was created to recognise and celebrate those who have effectively used their right to information to make significant contributions to advancing human rights, environmental protection, democracy, and anti-corruption efforts.

European Public Sector Award (EPSA)

EPSA – the European Public Sector Award – is a Europe-wide award scheme for public sector entities at all levels of government which has been organised every two years since 2009 by the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA).

Prêmio "CLEODON SILVA" de Soluções Digitais Livres

A iniciativa visa fomentar o desenvolvimento de soluções inovadoras para a gestão do fomento à cultura no Brasil, em homenagem à memória de Cleodon Silva.

Democracy Courage Tributes

Democracy Courage Tributes

1201 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington DC

To express and build solidarity, the World Movement for Democracy presents the Democracy Courage Tributes to give special recognition to the extraordinary efforts of groups and movements working under particularly diffi­cult circumstances.

Code for America Innovator Awards

The Code for America Innovator Awards honor groups or individuals that are shaping the path forward in the government and civic tech community.

Creative Bureaucracy Festival Award

The Creative Bureaucracy Festival Award honours innovators within or associated with the public sector.

Peabody Global Impact Awards

The Global Impact Award recognizes media or organizations that have profoundly changed the world for the better.

Cyber Policy Awards

Cyber Policy Awards

Washington, DC

The Institute for Security and Technology (IST), in partnership with the Center for Cybersecurity Policy and Law, is pleased to announce the inaugural edition of The Cyber Policy Awards—an annual gathering of the U.S. cyber policy community to honor and celebrate those who drove significant progress in the preceding year, and to make resolutions for the new year.

Tussell Tech200

Tussell Tech200

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Tussell & techUK are thrilled to share the 3rd annual Tech200 awards - our list of the 200 fastest-growing technology companies in the UK public sector, from FY 2021/22 to FY 2022/23.

European Institute of Innovation and Technology Summit Changemaker Award

The Changemaker Award, which celebrates and recognises the best role model and leader from within the EIT Community's education programmes, and whose activities and achievements have the potential to generate a significant social impact.

CampaignTech Awards

CampaignTech Awards

United States of America (the)

The CampaignTech Awards by Campaigns & Elections recognize the truly exceptional in the field of political campaign technology, digital strategy, tactics, and techniques.

GlobalFact 10 Awards

GlobalFact 10 Awards

Poynter Institute for Media Studies, 3rd Street South, St. Petersburg, FL, USA

We are excited to invite you to cast your vote for this year's awards, where we celebrate exceptional work in fact-checking.

European Social Services Awards

Organised by the European Social Network, the Awards shine a spotlight on successful new approaches and the extraordinary ongoing work of public social services managers, funders, planners, providers, and deliverers of social services, as well as providing opportunities for exchange and mutual learning to improve social work policies and practice.

Mozilla Rise 25

Mozilla Rise 25

Mountain View, CA, USA

Help us identify and recognize the next 25 game-changers shaping the future of the internet to be more ethical, responsible and inclusive.

.ORG Impact Awards

.ORG Impact Awards (OIAs) recognizes and rewards those who have achieved meaningful success, often overcoming difficult challenges with few resources

World Summit Awards (WSA)

World Summit Awards (WSA)

Salzburg, Austria

WSA (World Summit Awards) is a unique awards system, selecting and promoting local digital innovation to improve society.

Andrew Hyder Government Service Improvement Award

Andrew Hyder Government Service Improvement Award

18F, Technology Transformation Services

TTS annually awards the Andrew Hyder Government Service Improvement Award to one or more federal employees who demonstrate both excellence in their work and a commitment to improving the public’s experience with government. This award commemorates the life and work of Andrew Hyder, a consulting software engineer at 18F who tragically passed away in 2021.

Heintzman Leadership Award

The Heintzman Leadership Award (HLA) is presented annually by the Institute for Citizen-Centred Service (ICCS) to an individual who has demonstrated outstanding leadership within the Canadian public sector in promoting and influencing change in its delivery of citizen-centred service.

Premio Latinoamericano Democracia Digital

El Premio Latinoamericano Democracia Digital es un concurso online y gratuito donde pueden participar todas las iniciativas digitales de diversa índole (web, blogs, redes sociales u otras herramientas) que promuevan un cambio positivo en la sociedad.

Центральноазиатская медиапрограмма MediaCAMP Award Central Asia

"Journalists and bloggers in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan can enter this contest." - International Journalists' Network

Schwab Foundation Social Innovation Awards

The Schwab Foundation’s 2023 Awards seeks to honour social change leaders, across a diversity of social innovation models in society in four different award categories

European Citizen's Prize

It is intended to reward on an annual basis individuals or groups who have particularly distinguished themselves in strengthening European integration by the expression of European cooperation, openness to others and practical involvement in the development of mutual understanding.

Kevin Roose's Good Tech Awards

Kevin Roose's Good Tech Awards

New York Times Building, 8th Avenue, New York, NY, USA

An annual feature by a technology columnist in the New York Times

Democracy Network UK's Democracy Awards

For the first time ever, we will be holding a Democracy Awards Dinner to recognise and champion the outstanding work being done across our sector.

Datum Awards

Datum Awards

Washington, DC

Nominees are individuals who are champions for the use of data in evidence-based decision-making, transparency, and accountability.

Future of Government Awards

Future of Government Awards

Seattle, WA, United States of America

The Future of Government Awards champions practitioners, teams and leaders who are transforming people’s lives by applying digital solutions and leveraging technology to reform the public sector for those it serves.

공익제보자가 외롭지 않도록

공익제보자가 외롭지 않도록

Republic of South Korea (Hanguk or Namhan)

An award for the public interest whistleblower of the year

The Innovation in Politics Awards

The annual Innovation in Politics Awards recognise creative politicians from across Europe who have the courage to break new ground to find innovative solutions for today’s challenges.

European Capital of Democracy

The European Capital of Democracy Initiative will build a strong network of Cities that will foster participation; a platform for hope, and for exercising the will and power to change our world for the better.

Technology Innovation Awards

Technology Innovation Awards

United States of America (the)

Does your nonprofit have a technology related project idea that will advance your mission?

Mozilla's Creative Media Awards

Mozilla's Creative Media Awards

Mozilla, East Evelyn Avenue, Mountain View, CA, USA

Mozilla Foundation is providing $258,300 to people and projects that reimagine the way data is governed

LaborTech Book & Graduate Student Paper Awards

We aim to reframe the conversation about technology and labor towards issues of power, inequality, and social justice, and incorporate themes of feminism, anti-racism, and transnationalism. 

Analyst Institute Expy Awards

The Analyst Institute's Expy Awards recognize innovation in political organizing efficacy

IDC Smart Cities Awards

To recognize outstanding Smart Cities projects, IDC launched its Smart City North America Awards (SCNAA).

Nesta Democracy Pioneers

Nesta Democracy Pioneers

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Democracy Pioneers is an award for innovations that are experimenting with ways to re-energise civic participation and everyday democracy in the UK.

Anthem Awards's Responsible Tech categories

Celebrating purpose & mission-driven work from people, companies and organizations worldwide.



House 2, Plot 622, Mercy Samuelson Estate, Karmo, Abuja

The Nigeria Integrity Film Awards (HomeVida) is a unique platform that provides incentives for young scriptwriters and filmmakers to promote integrity values using film while influencing the wider public.

SDI Digital Democracy Awards

The 2021 SDI Digital Democracy Awards seek to recognise these achievements by awarding category winners across Inspiration, Innovation, Inclusion & Impact.

Engaged Cities Award

We aim to find and elevate the diverse ways that city leaders are actively engaging their citizens to solve critical public problems.

Inclusive Fintech 50

The Inclusive Fintech 50 initiative leverages a competitive process led by an independent judging panel of experts to identify 50 early-stage fintechs driving financial inclusion and resilience.

European Press Prize

Good journalism is one of the hallmarks of civilized society

Apolitical 100 digital government

Apolitical 100 digital government

PUBLIC Hall 1 Horse Guards Avenue London, United Kingdom SW1A 2EP

We’re excited to share our second annual list of the World's 100 Most Influential People in Digital Government.

Government Experience Awards

Government Experience Awards

United States of America (the)

For 20 years, the Center for Digital Government’s Best of the Web Awards have recognized and benchmarked state and local government progress online.

GovTech Top 25

GovTech Top 25

United States of America (the)

A program started in 2002 to recognize those technology leaders putting their knowledge to work to solve problems and serve their communities.

The Foilies

Recognizing the year’s worst in government transparency

Code for America Technology Awards

The Code for America Technology Awards recognize outstanding products and implementations of government technology.

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