The Tech > Govtech > Voting and elections > Help more people run for office - (26)

Tools, resources, databases, and trainings to encourage a more representative group of people to run for office.

Showing 26 Results

Operation Black Vote

We are on a mission to amplify Black* voices and ensure our complete engagement in the national debate about how to build a better Britain founded on accessible citizenship, judicial rights, climate and racial justice, equality, and fairness.

Apolitical Foundation

A world in which political leaders are one of the most respected roles in society.

Good Party

Good Party

United States of America (the)

We're not a political party – we're building a movement and free tech to end America's two-party political dysfunction Learn how you can plug in to inspiring independent campaigns or get access to our free tools for people-powered candidates

Brand New Bundestag

Brand New Bundestag (BNB) ist eine unabhängige und überparteiliche Graswurzel-Organisation, die sich für eine progressive, zukunftsorientierte Politik einsetzt. Wir unterstützen Menschen, die mit progressiven Ideen frischen Wind in die Parlamente bringen, bei ihrem Weg in politische Ämter.


Fantapolitica! è una piattaforma di supporto per candidat* di sinistra che abbiano meno di trent’anni

Win with Women

Win with Women

455 Massachusetts Ave, NW, 8th Floor, Washington, DC 20001

An initiative designed to help political parties become more inclusive and representative through an assessment that gauges men and women's perceptions of women in leadership, the types of social norms held by members of parties, and the individual, institutional and socio-cultural barriers to gender equality.

Engaging Women in Politics in Uganda

Organized an e-conference for over 150 women candidates for elected office in Uganda, with a focus on navigating social barriers to political participation, including misinformation and cyberbullying.

Name It. Change It. Research and Reports

Name It. Change It releases research projects and studies demonstrating gender-based challenges women face from the media when they run for office.

Vote Women

Vote Women

Kampala, Uganda

Vote:Women is a leadership springboard for women to achieve their dreams. We provide a platform for support every step of the way through capability development, fundraising, and campaign management using innovation, technology and a sense of community. Vote:Women empowers women to follow their ambitions of civic leadership.

Tous élus

Training and empowering young people to help them run for office

Answering the Call candidate training

Answering the Call candidate training

9 East St, Boston, Massachusetts

Answering the Call, a leadership development experience designed to help service alumni explore their interest in potentially seeking political office.

The Local Office Function Index

The Local Office Function Index (LOFI) is a standardized, nationwide dataset of what your elected officials are responsible for and how you can engage with them.

Democratic GAIN

Democratic GAIN is a national membership association for progressive political professionals and organizations.

The Arena

The Arena

Washington, DC

We convene, connect, and support the next generation of civic leaders.

She Should Run

She Should Run is dedicated to dramatically increasing the number of women in public leadership by eliminating barriers to success. Join She Should Run and step up to inspire more women and girls to consider a future run.


Start a new political campaign and begin crowdfunding in minutes. Support candidates and causes you agree with. Crowdpac is your home for impacting politics.

Emerge America

Are you a Democratic woman who wants to run for office? Our candidate training programs prepare women to run and win. Let us help you!

New American Leaders

New American Leaders is leading a movement for inclusive democracy by preparing first and second generation Americans to run, win, and lead.

Run for Something

Helping recruit and support under-35 year old progressives running for down-ballot office to build a Democratic bench.

Run Women Run

Run Women Run inspires, recruits, trains, mentors and supports pro-choice women for elected and appointed office.

Empowered To Run

Empowered To Run

1440 G Street Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

Run for office successfully. Govern effectively.

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