The Tech > Participatory democracy > Engagement tech > Online forums - (45)

Digital conversation hubs for conversations of civic import. They are often designed to facilitate constructive dialogues, but sometimes fail by attempting to creating new destinations rather than embrace existing community hubs.

Showing 45 Results

Mighty Networks

With a Mighty Network, you can bring your courses, memberships, and offers together in a powerful community under your own brand on iOS, Android, and the web.

Parti Town Hall

Parti Town Hall

43, Susaek-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

The ultimate real-time discussion platform for all-inclusive events and meetings


Slido is an audience interaction tool for meetings, events and conferences. It offers interactive Q&A, live polls and insights about your audience.



Singapore Better debates for a better Singapore. Learn more about and discuss important policies facing us today.

Place Speak

Place Speak

New City Ventures, Attn: PlaceSpeak, 1005 Cypress Street, Vancouver, BC, V6J 3K5, CANADA

PlaceSpeak is a location-based citizen engagement platform that authenticates the online public participation process through digital credentials and privacy-by-design to build trust.

Front Porch Forum

Front Porch Forum

Burlington, VT

Front Porch Forum is a free community-building service in Vermont.



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Over 1 million workers are using Organise to win better pay and conditions at work. Complete your confidential profile page to get started!

DebateWise is an online database of expert-curated debates on popular topics.

Social Pinpoint

Social Pinpoint

Newcastle, NSW

Social Pinpoint provides a flexible suite of digital tools to enhance your community and stakeholder engagement.



Wellington, New Zealand

Loomio is a flexible decision-making tool that helps you create a more engaged and collaborative culture, build trust and coordinate action

Local Circles

LocalCircles takes Social Media to the next level and makes it about communities, governance and urban daily life.It enables citizens to come together in communities or groups to raise issues, find trusted information, participate in policy and engage in constructive collective action.

Citizens' Voice

Citizens' Voice

Witte Kruislaan 55a 1217 AM Hilversum

Citizens’ Voice platforms is used to develop evidence on youth needs, aspirations and behaviour which is shared with media, partners and changemakers. is an online database of expert-curated debates on popular topics.



India (Bhārat)

Lexcare is an online forum where people can post legal questions and recieve advice. Users can also find lawyers andconsult them for a fee.


Nextdoor is the free private social network for your neighborhood community.


VoxMapp Baseline allows you to collect high quality data even in contexts of crisis; VoxMapp Feedback ensures communities participate and remain at the center of the initiative; and VoxMapp Management centralizes the analysis, decision-making and learning mechanisms, to feed into a new positive cycle.

Worldie – Social Media for Good

Worldie‘s mission is to create safety, equality, humanitarianism, positive social impact, and all-in-one integration to improve lives with technology, helpful social media systems, social projects, public safety, crowdsourced help, and a network of partners.


Talk London is City Hall’s online community. Have your say on big issues and help shape our plans and policies. Let’s make London better together.


Civocracy is fixing the relationship between citizens and their government using digital citizen participation.




Ethelo decisions is a web platform or business intelligence tool built to help groups, communities or organization to find effective decisions quickly and fairly.

News Nerdery

This Slack has over 1,300 members of the journalism-tech community from around the world, who chat in over 40 topical and geographic channels.

I am in the city / 我地.市正

Hong Kong's Neighborhood forum //「我地.市正」(Ourland Searching) 係一個街坊媒體。 用家可以查詢即時位置或選擇位置附近 1 公里內發生的社區事件: 公共設施 社區活動 社區議題 街坊可以隨時隨地「報料」: 匯報社區問題,仲可以一直跟進事態發展。



Italy (Italia)

ePart è la soluzione web per la gestione partecipativa dei cittadini alla gestione degli ambienti urbani. Consente ai cittadini di interagire con l'amministrazione pubblica segnalando disagi e disservizi presenti sul territorio



Paris, France

Massive collective intelligence is the capacity to mobilize communities on a large scale (hundreds and thousands of participants) around key stakes and challenges to co-create new solutions in a short space of time.



671 Edison Street, Detroit, MI, USA

Connect, communicate and collaborate to leverage community strengths and advance your mission.



United Republic of Tanzania (Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania)

JamiiForums is a Tanzania-based user-generated content website founded by Maxence Melo and Mike Mushi in 2006



Brazil (Brasil)

Laudelina is a mobile application, aimed to empower domestic workers. It has an accessible guide to labour rights, abenefits calculator, a list of protection agencies, and an option to create a social network with fellow domestic workers.

Bang the Table EngagementHQ

Our complete suite of listening, information, analysis, reporting and relationship management features enable you to mix and match precisely the right online tools for your community engagement objectives.

California Report Card

The California Report Card was developed by the CITRIS Data and Democracy Initiative at UC Berkeley in collaboration with the Office of Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom. The California Report Card explores how smartphones and networks can enhance communication between the public and government leaders.


Rejoignez votre réseau de voisinage pour collaborer, partager, recycler, covoiturer, acheter groupé, animer sa vie de quartier et réaliser des économies avec vos voisins !


Choisissez vos commerces et construisez un quartier à votre image!

Portland, OR

A web forum that elevates your community's opinions. Civil and organized discussion even when hundreds of stakeholders participate.

Go Vocal

Go Vocal

Bd Pachéco 34, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium

The only platform you need for meaningful community engagement.



Washington, DC

the world's first social networking platform for the labor movement with 30,000 Union Profiles


Disqus offers the best add-on tools for websites to increase engagement. We help publishers power online discussions with comments and earn revenue with native advertising.




De leukste buurt maak je samen, op een buurtplatform van gebiedonline.

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