Adjacent Fields > Foundational layers > Internet governance - (11)

A well-governed open internet is critical to the practice of civic tech, particularly where power and technology collide.

Showing 11 Results



Humboldt-Institut Berlin, Invalidenstraße, Berlin, Germany

Im Zentrum steht dabei folgende Frage: Können “Plattformräte” oder andere Institutionen dafür sorgen, dass öffentliche Interessen und demokratische Werte in den Regelsetzungsprozessen von Plattformen berücksichtigt werden?

Community Broadband Bits Podcast

Community Broadband Bits is a weekly audio show hosted by Community Broadband Networks Initiative Director Christopher Mitchell featuring interviews with people building community networks or otherwise involved with Internet policy.

Digital Impact Alliance Research Fellowship

We are proud to announce the launch of our first cohort of Research Fellows, bringing together a small group of multidisciplinary academics, digital development practitioners, and digital rights experts, working at the forefront of digital transformation efforts around the world.

Public Interest Registry

The registrars behind top-level domains .ORG, .CHARITY, ,FOUNDATION, .GIVES, .NGO, .ONG, .орг, .机构, and .संगठन domain names

IT for Change

IT for Change


IT for Change is an NGO based in Bengaluru, India. IT for Change aims for a society in which digital technologies contribute to human rights, social justice and equity.



United States of America (the)

A tool for building and evolving governance in online communities.

Fight for the Future

We are a group of artists, engineers, activists, and technologists who have been behind the largest online protests in human history, channeling Internet outrage into political power to win public interest victories previously thought to be impossible

Open Internet for Democracy

Open Internet for Democracy

455 Massachusetts Ave, NW, 8th Floor, Washington, DC 20001

The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), the National Democratic Institute (NDI), and the Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA) are facilitating an initiative to identify and promote internet norms and principles essential to democratic governance.

Internet Freedom Festival

Internet Freedom Festival

Las Naves, Carrer de Joan Verdeguer, València, Spain

An un-conference, one of the leading gatherings in the space, that brought together close to 1,000 attendees from 132 countries in 2018.

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