Tag:   Issue > housing - (50)

Showing 50 Results

Does reducing stigma increase the take-up of rental assistance?

Renters that received an informational postcard were 52% more likely to request an application for rental assistance and 24% more likely to submit an application than renters that did not receive a postcard.

Hey Neighbour Collective

Hey Neighbour Collective (HNC) is a collective impact project that brings together housing providers, researchers, local and regional governments, housing associations and health authorities to experiment with and learn about ways of effectively building community, social connectedness and resilience in B.C.’s fast-growing vertical communities.

Inescapable AI

Inescapable AI

Los Angeles, CA

Employing a broad definition of AI, this report represents the first known effort to comprehensively explain and quantify the reach of AI-based decision-making among low-income people in the United States.

Landlord Mapper

Landlord Mapper

Chicago, IL

Landlord database & interactive map to promote property ownership transparency in rental markets

Terner Labs

Terner Labs

Berkeley, CA, USA

Terner Labs scales critical housing innovations at the intersection of equity, affordability, and sustainability.



Basque Country (Euskadi)

Gazteparte es el primer espacio digital para escuchar la opinión y las propuestas  de los jóvenes y trasladarlas a las instituciones públicas.

Rewiring America

We develop accessible, actionable data and tools, and build coalitions and partnerships to make going electric easier for households and communities. 

Design Trust for Public Space

Unlocking the potential of New York’s public spaces.

Najemniški SOS

Najemniški SOS

Slovenia (Slovenija)

Resources and story-based campaign for tenants' rights in Slovenia



Chicago, IL

A service of the Law Center for Better Housing (LCBH), here to help Illinois tenants facing housing issues

Planning for Informality

Planning for Informality

South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)

What is your city doing to upgrade informal settlements?

Landlord Tech Watch

Landlord Tech Watch

United States of America (the)

Campaign website explaining landlord / proptech surveillance and what tenants can do to fight back

Housing Courts Must Change! Map

Housing Courts Must Change! Map

New York City, NY, USA

Housing Courts Must Change! (HCMC) is a statewide campaign launched by the Right to Counsel NYC Coalition in 2020 to transform the courts across New York State (NYS) from an “eviction machine” to a place that holds landlords accountable, upholds tenants’ rights, and enables tenants to remain in their homes.

Marks Out of Tenancy

Marks Out of Tenancy

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Join the thousands of renters rating and reviewing their landlord, letting agent and rental properties.

Digitalization in Disaster Risk Reduction: The Use of Smartphones to Enhance the Safety of Informal Settlements in Iringa, Tanzania

The aim of this study was to assess the current use of smartphones by the masons of the informal settlements of Iringa, Tanzania, and to identify pathways for improving their construction practices.

Welcome Alliance

Welcome Alliance

Germany (Deutschland)

The Welcome Alliance is an alliance of civil society organizations, foundations, state institutions and companies initiated by ProjectTogether. Our goal is humane, needs-oriented and sustainable integration and participation of all new immigrants in Germany.

Slum Dwellers International Data Portal

Dive into our Know Your City (KYC) portal, home to community-collected slum data from over 5,000 slums in more than 18 countries across the global south.

Exygy Housing

Exygy Housing

San Francisco

A housing platform that simplifies, centralizes, and makes it easy for people to search and apply for affordable housing.

Who owns what in NYC?

Who owns what in NYC?

New York City, NY, USA

Use this free tool from JustFix to research your building and investigate landlords! We use property ownership mapping to identify a landlord's portfolio

Association for Neighborhood & Housing Development

The mission of ANHD is to build community power to win affordable housing and thriving, equitable neighborhoods for all New Yorkers

Precarious Lives

Precarious Lives

Raymond Ghosn Building, American University of Beirut, Maroun Semaan Faculty of Engineering and Architecture PO Box. 11-0236 Riad El Solh 1107 2020, Beirut Lebanon

The Beirut Urban Lab is launching a platform that documents the processes and mechanisms that generate housing precarity in today’s Beirut.

Kenya Digital Public Works

"DPW set out to answer a question: Can the youth use affordable and widely available technologies to gather the information necessary to support informal settlement upgrading?"



01021 Kyiv

Все про ОСББ в Україні



Germany (Deutschland)

Für mehr Transparenz und neue Möglichkeitsräume in der Stadt



888 Brannan Street, San Francisco, California

Airbnb encourages hosts to donate their shelter in times of need, and is now spinning the program out as a formal non-profit.

Un Acoperiș

A Roof is a solution for identifying accommodation spaces to help refugees who arrive in Romania and need help immediately.

OpenUp Evictions Project

OpenUp Evictions Project

South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)

The Affidavit Assistant helps you collect information for your case

Vacant Property QR Codes

Baltimore City Council Bill 19-0429 requires the Department of Housing & Community Development to post signage on vacant buildings that will identify owners so that they can be held accountable by the public.

Displacement Alert Portal

Displacement Alert Portal

50 Broad St, New York, NY 10004, United States

DAP Portal is a comprehensive new research tool that includes dozens of datasets indicating harassment and potential displacement from New York City housing.



Chicago, IL

BuiltWorlds is the premier research-driven network operating at the intersection of the built industry and technological innovation

Our Data Bodies

Based in marginalized neighborhoods in Charlotte, North Carolina, Detroit, Michigan, and Los Angeles, California, we look at digital data collection and our human rights, work with local communities, community organizations, and social support networks, and show how different data systems impact re-entry, fair housing, public assistance, and community development.

Housing Data Coalition

Housing Data Coalition

50 Broad St, New York, NY 10004, United States

The Housing Data Coalition (HDC) is a group of individuals and organizations who collaborate on their use of public data to further housing justice in New York City.

New Story

New Story

San Francisco

We pioneer solutions to end global homelessness.



76 4th St N, St. Petersburg, FL 33701, USA

Software for the annual homeless count

Displacement Alert

Displacement Alert

50 Broad St, New York, NY 10004, United States

The Displacement Alert Project uses data and information visualization tools to proactively identify buildings that are facing a high risk of displacement



150 Court Street, Brooklyn, NY, USA

Technology for Housing Justice

Ask Izzy

Ask Izzy

33 Elizabeth Street, Richmond VIC, Australia

Ask Izzy helps people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless to find the services they need, right now and nearby.

Project Homeless Connect

Project Homeless Connect

25 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA, USA

Project Homeless Connect connects San Franciscans experiencing homelessness with the care they need to move forward.

Arizona Eviction Help

Arizona Eviction Help makes it easier for tenants to learn about eviction hearings, identify potential defenses to use and create court documents to use.

Arena Housing Project

Open collaborative network for journalists and other researches, experts and engaged people working on housing across Europe

NYC Public Engagement Unit

NYC Public Engagement Unit

New York City Hall, City Hall Park, New York, NY, USA

The Mayor’s Public Engagement Unit (PEU) proactively connects New Yorkers to key City services, like housing and healthcare.

Anti-Eviction Mapping Project

The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project is a data-visualization, data analysis, and storytelling collective documenting dispossession and resistance upon gentrifying landscapes.

Displacement Alert Project Map

Displacement Alert Project Map

50 Broad St, New York, NY 10004, United States

The Displacement Alert Map is a rich resource of more than a decade of key data on residential displacement in New York City.

Development Seed Vulnerable Housing pilot

Development Seed is supporting the World Bank to identify dangerous housing in Colombia through the use of artificial intelligence.

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