Tag:   Issue > immigration - (21)

Showing 21 Results

Justicia Lab AI

Justicia Lab AI

New York, NY

The World's First Non-Profit AI Lab for Immigrant Justice



Berkeley, CA, USA

Built with precision and purpose by Mobile Pathways, Pathfinder is a secure analytics and insights platform uniquely designed for and tested with immigration attorneys, paralegals, and accredited representatives.

Immigration Advocates Network

Harnessing the power of technology and collaboration to support immigrants and their allies.

Judge Profiles

Judge Profiles

Berkeley, CA, USA

Access data on immigration judges, including cases, backlogs, grant rates, and removal statistics

Legal Defense Coalition

Legal Defense Coalition

Berkeley, CA, USA

‍We provide tech and data for immigration nonprofits to inform more immigrants about their legal rights.

Asylum Navigator

Asylum Navigator

Berkeley, CA, USA

Asylum Navigator is a groundbreaking data insights platform designed to empower immigration attorneys and human rights defenders.

Mobile Pathways

Mobile Pathways

Berkeley, CA, USA

We are a technology nonprofit that partners with immigration nonprofits and attorneys to advance their use of technology and data to increase fair access to justice.

IAN's Slack Community

IAN is building a Slack community to connect our members and provide more opportunity for collaboration, networking and real time answers to legal questions.

Migration and Technology Monitor

With a focus on migration, technology, and human rights, we actively interrogate tech experiments on people crossing borders.

Voices of Venezuela

Voices of Venezuela fue creado para construir un puente de entendimiento entre culturas, para combatir la xenofobia y mostrarle al mundo que los venezolanos contribuyen a sus comunidades de acogida, permitiendo que todos prosperen. Website is down but social media is active.



Munich, Germany

Welcome to the first global community for stateless people and their allies. Together we empower stateless people.

Can I Vote?

Can I Vote?

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

This is a joint initiative run by Citizens UK, Migrant Democracy Project and Just Register. Together we are helping migrants in the UK to get registered to vote.



Latvia (Latvija)

We aim to strengthen instruments for mobile EU citizens and expats to engage in EU political life on an everyday basis

Welcome Alliance

Welcome Alliance

Germany (Deutschland)

The Welcome Alliance is an alliance of civil society organizations, foundations, state institutions and companies initiated by ProjectTogether. Our goal is humane, needs-oriented and sustainable integration and participation of all new immigrants in Germany.

Immigration Policy Lab

Immigration Policy Lab

Stanford University, Serra Mall, Stanford, CA, USA

With branches at Stanford University and ETH Zurich, IPL is an international community of scholars dedicated to innovation in immigration policy.

Justicia Lab

Justicia Lab

New York, NY

We Build Digital Tools for Immigrant Justice



New York, NY

Immi helps immigrants understand their rights and options during the immigration process. The website’s guided process helps users determine their path to legal immigration, and offers a list of organisations and self-help resources.

Online listening sessions on immigration needs

Online listening sessions on immigration needs

972 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA

In the midst of an immigration crisis on the US-Mexico border, Code for America, Codeando México, and The GovLab organized online listening sessions to help determine areas of need and where the civic tech community might help.

Human Rights Data Analysis Group

The Human Rights Data Analysis Group is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that applies rigorous science to the analysis of human rights violations around the world.

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