Tag:   Format > extensions - (32)

Showing 32 Results



Oakland, California

The RECAP Suite is a collection of tools for working with PACER, the data access system for American federal courts.

Bad Matt

Bad Matt

Burlington, VT

A "protest plugin" that allows Wordpress administrators to set their Stripe plug-in's to credit referral payments to their own accounts.



Berkman Center For Internet, Everett Street, Cambridge, MA, USA

Amber is a tool for blogs & websites to keep linked content accessible

Skeptic Reader

Skeptic Reader

Spain (España)

Your personal bullshit🤌 detector for the Internet.


An open-source Chrome extension powered by GPT-4 that demonstrates how AI can be used to subtly manipulate the content users consume

Microsoft Teams Emergency Operations Center

Facilitate accelerated deployment of collaboration, communication, and task management capabilities for emergency response operations through our open-source app template in Microsoft Teams. Get solution

StraightLines by Lucid Lens

Here we introduce StraightLines, a proof-of-concept tool developed by AOI’s Lucid Lens team, that automatically rewrites news headlines to reflect the content of articles in a more accurate, less sensational way.



Russian Federation (the)

Ресурс-инструкция, помогающий пользователям получать доступ к заблокированным сайтам. Он рассказывает о трёх законных способах открыть заблокированный сайт: через расширения для браузера, VPN и более сложные системы обхода, такие как Tor, Psiphon, Lantern.

Privacy Party

Privacy Party

United States of America (the)

Stop exposing your personal info on social. Reduce your risk of phishing, fraud, impersonation, harassment, and other online attacks.



Hungary (Magyarország)

Google Chrome Add-on for selecting the most interesting articles of the origo.hu propaganda news website.

Censor Tracker

Censor Tracker

Russian Federation (the)

Расширение для обхода блокировок и выявления сайтов, которые следят за вами. Мы не зарабатываем на наших пользователях и не заглядываем в ваш трафик. Установить в Chrome Установить в Firefox

The Australian Ad Observatory

The Australian Ad Observatory project is enabling independent research into the role that algorithmically targeted advertising plays in society.



India (Bhārat)

Uli lets you take control over your Twitter timeline by redacting slurs, allowing you to archive problematic tweets and coordinating actions with your friends.


Easily see if a news site offers credible news or should not be trusted and is un-credible/dodgy.


"Sponsored partly by Microsoft, Newsguard is a plugin for browsers such as Chrome, Mozilla, and Microsoft's Edge that validates news websites for users based on 9 journalistic integrity criteria." - Counteringdisinformation.org


In the age of social media, many of us ambiently consume news by reading headlines and descriptions that appear in our news feeds.



Buenos Aires

PubliElectoral is a technological tool of social interest that allows the collection of information related to electoral advertising on social networks without affecting the privacy of citizen users.

Captain Fact

CaptainFact is a collaborative fact-checking tool for YouTube videos.


This project uses advanced machine learning techniques to detect propaganda accounts on Twitter.

Ad Observer

Ad Observer

New York University, New York, NY, USA

Political campaigns spend a lot of money to reach voters on Facebook. Are they telling the truth? Are they saying different things to different people? Help hold them accountable by installing our browser plugin, which sends us the ads you see on Facebook.

Public Editor

Public Editor

Berkeley, CA, USA

We’re an online community of critical thinkers vetting the most-shared news articles on the Internet.

Block Party app

Block Party app

United States of America (the)

Consumer tools for online safety & anti-harassment. Automatically hide unwanted tweets & mute the trolls (review later, but only if you want!).


Coordinate your universe of online actions. Create a pattern of regular engagement and watch your support skyrocket. Built on NationBuilder.

Who Targets Me

Did Facebook ads win the presidency for Donald Trump? Did they cause Brexit? Are they changing the way democracy works? Install Who Targets Me to find out who’s using Facebook ads to win your vote – and how they’re doing it.

Progressive Shopper

Install the Progressive Shopper Chrome extension and quickly understand if you are supporting a brand that is aligned with your values.

InVID Verification Plugin

"Verification Swiss Army knife", including lookups of video clips to find them in context elsewhere

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