The Tech > Govtech > Digital transformation - (74)

Government digital transformation projects are initiatives undertaken by public sector entities to integrate digital technologies into all areas of their operations, fundamentally changing how they deliver services, interact with citizens, and achieve greater efficiency, transparency, and accessibility.

Showing 74 Results

Global Trends in Government Innovation 2024

Global Trends in Government Innovation 2024

OECD, Rue André Pascal, Paris, France

This report analyses nearly 800 case studies from 83 countries and identifies five critical trends in government innovation that are reshaping public services.

Agência para a Modernização Administrativa (AMA)

A Agência para a Modernização Administrativa, I.P. (AMA) é o instituto público responsável pela promoção e desenvolvimento da modernização administrativa em Portugal.

Digital Leads Network

Digital Leads Network

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

We’re a growing community of not-for-profit digital leads committed to making the most of digital technology for positive social impact, by sharing best practice and peer-to-peer learning.

The Curve

The Curve

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

The Curve is a series of free, 90-minute workshops for third sector organisations.

Department for Science, Innovation and Technology

Accelerate innovation, investment and productivity through world-class science, ensure that new and existing technologies are safely developed and deployed across the UK and drive forward a modern digital government for the benefit of its citizens.

Digital Trustees

Digital Trustees

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

We're aiming to get digital on the agenda of every charity board in the UK.

International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV)

It was conceived in 2007 as an annual gathering to bring together academia, governments, international organisations, civil society, and industry to share the latest insights and experiences in the theory and practice of Electronic Governance (now more commonly referred to as Digital Governance).

Digital Government Assessment Programme

This project aims to conduct a comprehensive study of the relevant and available literature and present research findings that will assist the Digital Government Authority (DGA) in enhancing the online presence of key government entities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).



Barcelona, Spain

Localret és el consorci local format per les administracions locals de Catalunya per acompanyar els municipis en la seva transformació digital

Chief Digital Office at UNDP

Chief Digital Office at UNDP

Geneva, Switzerland

The Chief Digital Office (CDO) was created in 2019 to enable, accelerate and promote digital transformation within UNDP and throughout its programmatic work.

Prêmio "CLEODON SILVA" de Soluções Digitais Livres

A iniciativa visa fomentar o desenvolvimento de soluções inovadoras para a gestão do fomento à cultura no Brasil, em homenagem à memória de Cleodon Silva.

Governo Digital Brasil

Governo Digital Brasil

Brazil (Brasil)

Ministério da Gestão e da Inovação em Serviços Públicos

The UK's National Programme for IT

The UK's National Programme for IT

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

[A]n ambitious programme launched in 2002 with an initial budget of some £6.2 billion. It attempted to implement a top-down digitization of healthcare in England's National Health Service (NHS)

Organise Lab is an advocacy group & community making the case for a digital transformation, and innovation across all levels of the UK trade union movement.

GovTech Working Groups at the World Bank

The Bank launched GovTech Working Groups to provide thought leadership, facilitate the exchange of ideas, and support the development of sound GovTech solutions. Community building and impact-driven collaboration are the core objectives of this initiative.

Transforming Flanders digitally

The Government of Flanders is developing the digital talents of all people of Flanders. It valorises data as a raw material of the economy and society and is working on the digital transformation of public service delivery.

Future-Proofing Congress

Future-Proofing Congress

United States of America (the)

How Member-Led Upgrades Are Optimizing Legislative Branch Capacity and Resilience

Technology Modernization Fund

Technology Modernization Fund

GSA (General Services Administration), F Street Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

We drive modernization in federal IT that better serves agencies and the American public.

Taiwan Ministry of Digital Affairs (MODA)

The moda is committed to promoting suitable digital tools and open mindsets through building resilience and co-creation, powering Taiwan’s shift from a digital island to a global model of digital democracy and innovation.

Democracy Network (Taiwan)

Democracy Network (Taiwan)

Taipei City, Taiwan

Connecting the international community’s and Taiwan’s digital development and democratic governance experiences, leveraging the power of democracy networks to promote civic technology and decentralized autonomy, enhancing network development digital resilience.

NHS Transformation Directorate

NHS Transformation Directorate

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Transformation to improve health and care for everyone

e-Governance Academy

The e-Governance Academy (eGA) is a non-profit foundation that assists public sector and civil society organisations in making digital transformation happen.

The First Digital Nation

An award-winning campaign promoting the low-lying nation of Tuvalu's transition to a digital nation in the face of rising sea levels

Digital Public Goods Charter

Digital Public Goods Charter

United Nations Foundation

The DPG Charter is a multi-stakeholder campaign to align and mobilize diverse stakeholders and initiatives around a compelling shared vision for digital public goods (open-source technologies designed for the public good) and their role in driving safe, trusted and inclusive digital public infrastructure at scale.

Africa Data Leadership Initiative

Africa Data Leadership Initiative

United Nations Foundation

The Africa Data Leadership Initiative (ADLI) is a ​peer learning and exchange network designed by and for African policymakers, legislators, researchers, technologists, and digital rights advocates working on data governance and digital platforms and services.

Data and Public Services Toolkit

Data and Public Services Toolkit

Open Data Institute, 3rd Floor, 65 Clifton Street, London, EC2A 4JE

The Data and Public Services Toolkit aims to help public authorities make better use of data. It addresses challenges such as: how to make a business case for data use; how to use data ethically and fairly; and how to identify and utilise relevant datasets.



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Dovetail helps non-profits find a digital partner that fits

Department for Digital Transformation

Department for Digital Transformation

Largo Pietro di Brazzà, Roma, RM, Italia

Italy's government agency for connectivity, govtech transformation, cloud, ultra wide band, digital upskilling, and more

State-level Digital Transformation Policy Scan: Executive Orders

State-level Digital Transformation Policy Scan: Executive Orders

Georgetown University, 3700 O St NW, Washington, DC 20057, United States

In Fall 2023, the Digital Service Network kicked off its digital transformation policy scan by documenting executive orders (EO) enacted since 2013 that shape the digital transformation of government across states and territories.

Le Lieu de la Transformation Publique

A la fois laboratoire d’innovation publique, équipe d’experts pluridisciplinaires, centre de ressource et de formation, réseau dédié à l’innovation - le Lieu de la Transformation Publique propose, depuis 2019, un accompagnement sur mesure aux porteurs de projets engagés dans une démarche de transformation.

Direction interministérielle de la transformation publique

La direction interministérielle de la transformation publique (DITP) pilote le programme de transformation publique défini par le Gouvernement pour une action publique plus proche, plus simple et plus efficace. L’objectif : améliorer concrètement la vie des Français et des agents publics.

Portugal Digital

Acelerar Portugal através da capacitação digital das pessoas, da transformação digital das empresas e da digitalização do Estado.

The E-Leaders Handbook on the Governance of Digital Government | en | OECD

presents the OECD Framework on the Governance of Digital Government and offers a toolkit for policymakers aiming to enhance digital government maturity



Estonia (Eesti Vabariik)

Join us in building the European way of Digital Transformation for 300 million Europeans

Digital Public Administration factsheets

The European Commission's country-by-country factsheets containing "the most recent developments that the public administrations of 35 European countries have undergone in 2022

21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act

The bill’s sponsor, Representative Ro Khanna, summed it up by saying, “Government exists to serve citizens, and this bill ensures government leverages available technology to provide cohesive, user-friendly online service that people around this country expect and deserve.”

Participatory Digital Futures: How digital transformation can be made good for all

by Mark Findlay, Sharanya Shanmugam. In this article, through vignettes from the United Kingdom and Singapore’s experience, we highlight how digital transformation can be made more participatory for users affected by digital initiatives.

Federal Innovation Council

The Federal Innovation Council seeks to build a culture of innovation and experimentation in government by enabling and empowering federal employees to meet the challenges of 21st century governance.

Building a Culture of Innovation in Government

This brief is the compilation of the findings from of a series of workshops on creating a vision for how our [US] government can build and foster a culture of innovation over the next 20 years.

World Health Organization (WHO) Academy

Now under development, the Academy will offer online and in-person courses to millions of health workers and others around the world. 

United States Department of State's Office of the Special Envoy for Critical and Emerging Technology

Secretary Blinken established the office as part of the wider modernization agenda because the constellation of critical and emerging technologies reshaping the world is now an integral part of the conduct of U.S. foreign policy and diplomacy.

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