The Tech > Participatory democracy > Parliamentary and Legislative Tech > Access to laws - (34)

Nations are built on laws. The people must be able to freely and easily access these laws.

Showing 34 Results

Bulk Texting and Whatsapp on MyCamino

Mobile Pathways MyCamino platform equips immigration nonprofits with cutting edge mobile technology so immigrants know their legal rights.

Factstream AI

Factstream AI

Netherlands (Nederland, Holland)

FactStream AI utilizes advanced artificial intelligence to simplify access to essential legal information for newcomers and new community members across Europe.

Dataly (Data Network of the Legislative Yuan)

Parliamentary monitoring site featuring data about meetings, motions, bills, legislators, committees, iVOD, laws, legal provisions, and gazettes

Juriscraper Legal Scraping Toolkit

Juriscraper is a data gathering library written in Python that collects legal opinions, PACER content, and oral arguments from the American court system.



Oakland, California

The RECAP Suite is a collection of tools for working with PACER, the data access system for American federal courts.

The Big Cases Bot

The Big Cases Bot

Oakland, California

The Big Cases Bot follows the most important federal cases in the country Chat Apps Chat Apps

Oakland, California

Bots for Slack, Discord, Google Chat, and Microsoft Teams. You will tell these bots which cases to follow, and you'll get updates for those cases right in your chat app.

West Ham and Beckton GPT

As well as the broad range of information that the regular AI uses, this modified version has been exposed to a specific set of policies and information to help unlock the power of AI for the new constituency of West Ham and Beckton.



Oakland, California

Doctor is a microservice for converting and extracting documents and audio files.

Juris Law & Rights App

Juris Law & Rights App

Mozambique (Mocambique)

We seek to empower the poor to know their rights so they can receive justice and avoid exploitation and corruption in many areas of life.

Arkam (أرقام - مرحبا بيك)

Arkam gathers, analyzes and presents relevant data on public policies in Africa to promote transparent and effective governance.




A tool that provides targeted legislative insights and AI-powered analysis, delivering updates and impact assessments on legislation.



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

The bot allows people to ask questions about government services and receive information on accessing student loans, benefits and legal questions.


Our platform, fueled solely by public and certified documents, simplifies complex subjects with different levels of answers tailored to everyone.

Open Criminal Courts: New York Criminal Court Decisions Should be Public.

This report delves specifically into the limited publication of written decisions by criminal court judges.



Platz der Luftbrücke 4-6, 12101, Berlin, Germany

Parla has access to more than 11,000 publicly available documents that have been published on the parliamentary documentation system PARDOK in the current legislative period.

Know Your Rights Hong Kong

#KnowYourRightsHK is here to help you understand and exercise your legal rights.

State Case Database

State Case Database

New York University

Search State Court Report’s database of significant state supreme court decisions and pending cases. Download decisions and briefs for cases that develop state constitutional law.



Cleveland, Ohio

Democratizing information about the legal system



Oakland, California

Search millions of opinions by case name, topic, or citation. 406 Jurisdictions. Sponsored by the Non-Profit Free Law Project. 501c3

A2J Author

A2J Author

United States of America (the)

A2J Author aims to improve access to justice for people who represent themselves. The service hosts simplified legal information and resources created by legal professionals.

Qué Sabés

Qué Sabés

Uruguay (Republica Oriental del Uruguay)

Realiza una solicitud de información o mira las ya realizadas

Caselaw Access Project

Caselaw Access Project

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA

free public access portal to more than 6.4 million state and federal court decisions encompassing 360 years of American case law

Plural Policy (formerly Civic Eagle)

Shape the future of public policy with Plural’s intuitive, AI-powered legislative tracking and stakeholder collaboration tools. Effectively influence US federal and state legislation and say goodbye to clunky legacy software and manual spreadsheets.



Civic Hall, West 22nd Street, New York, NY, USA

Find any State or Federal bill and, if you like, share it live through social media

Bill To Text

Bill To Text

United States of America (the) turns PDFs of federal legislation into text files. It provides a formatted document that you can download and edit with a word processor program.



United States of America (the)

Search, browse, subscribe and comment on your City Council bills, council members and events.

The Open Law Platform

The Open Law Platform empowers you to focus on high-value tasks, auto-updates the legal code as laws become effective, and improves how you connect with citizens.

United States Capitol

U.S. Congress legislation, Congressional Record debates, Members of Congress, legislative process educational resources presented by the Library of Congress

Congressional Data Coalition

We believe Congress should publish legislative information in formats both humans and computers can make sense of. Our mission is to promote greater transparency, preservation, and access to Congressional data.

Case text

Case text

United States of America (the)

Commercial law lookup tool

Carl Malamud Launches Free Online Access to SEC EDGAR Records

Until this day, the only way to access the Securities and Exchange Commission's Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval (EDGAR) database of filings from public corporations and financial entities was to go to a special reading room in Washington, DC, or to pay private information services.

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