The Tech > Civic data > Open civic data - (31)

Open civic data refers to publicly available data about governmental functions, civic issues, and public services that is openly licensed and freely accessible to citizens, developers, and organizations, promoting transparency, enabling public participation, and allowing the development of applications and services that can benefit the community.

Showing 31 Results

American Community Survey Data Users Conference

The conference will bring together ACS data users and U.S. Census Bureau staff to share information about key ACS data issues and applications

Open Data Cincinnati

Open Data Cincinnati

Cincinnati, Ohio

We invite you to explore all of the data in the following categories that reflect the priority goals we’ve established to facilitate the delivery of efficient, effective and improved customer services.

Tainan City Council Watchbot

Line chatbot to help people interact with and understand Tainan City Council data. Users can ask in Mandarin, Taiwanese, English or by voice.

The HTTP Archive

The HTTP Archive

San Francisco

The HTTP Archive Tracks How the Web is Built.


Rudi est une plateforme de partage de données à l’échelle locale qui vise à permettre aux acteurs du territoire de partager facilement leurs données tout en en gardant la maîtrise, d’accéder en un même point à de nombreuses données et de créer des services numériques basés sur une gestion responsable et éthique des données. CONSULTER LE CATALOGUE DE DONNÉES (300+)


Search global import/export records from US Customs at the bill of lading level for 8 million businesses.

Party Data Trust

Party Data Trust

43, Susaek-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

데이터트러스트는 공익 단체, 공공 기관, 시민, 연구자 등 다양한 주체들이 함께 공익 데이터를 생산, 관리, 공유하는 데이터 거버넌스 체계를 만듭니다. (DataTrust creates a data governance system in which various entities, including public interest organizations, public institutions, citizens, and researchers, work together to produce, manage, and share public interest data)

Smart Buildings TensorFlow Dataset

A powerful tool designed to train reinforcement learning agents to optimize energy consumption and minimize carbon emissions in buildings.

Food and Agriculture Organization Hand-in-Hand Geospatial Platform

The Hand-in-Hand (HiH) Geospatial Platform is the enabling tool for the HiH Initiative unlocking over 2 million data layers for more targeted, evidence-based interventions.



Cameroon (Cameroon, Cameroun)

ADISI-Cameroun est une organisation de la société civile qui a pour cœur de métier l’information et la gouvernance de celle-ci.



Lima, Peru

Somos una asociación civil peruana sin fines de lucro dedicada a investigar, facilitar el entendimiento público y promover el respeto de los derechos y libertades en entornos digitales.

A Fourth Wave of Open Data? Exploring the Spectrum of Scenarios for Open Data and Generative AI

Our report, “A Fourth Wave of Open Data? Exploring the Spectrum of Scenarios for Open Data and Generative AI,” (May 2024) provides a new framework and recommendations to support open data providers and other interested parties in making open data “ready” for generative AI.

The OpenAustralia Foundation PO Box 147 Katoomba NSW 2780

Take the hassle out of web scraping



1100 13th Street NW Suite 800 Washington, D.C. 20005

OpenAerialMap is an open service to provide access to a commons of openly licensed imagery and map layer services. Download or contribute imagery to the growing commons of openly licensed imagery. Start Exploring

Data Commons

Data Commons aggregates data from a wide range of sources into a unified database to make it more accessible and useful. More

Information Culture

Information Culture

Russia, 101000, Myasnitskaya Str., 24/7, bld. 1, entrance 10, office #103

Open data outfit

Open Data Albania

Open Data Albania

Kryqezimi i Rruges se Durresit, Kompleksi "Karl Topia", Tirane, Albania

Qëllimi i këtij projekti është të mbledhim dhe të ruajmë të dhëna mbi indikatorët ekonomiko-shoqëror në Shqipëri.



South America

SocialTIC es una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a la investigación, formación, acompañamiento y promoción de la tecnología digital e información para fines sociales.Conoce nuestros proyectos, reflexiones y recomendaciones sobre infoactivismo, datos abiertos y seguridad digital

National Center for Charitable Statistics

Open data and code about the nonprofit sector in the US

US Polling Places (2012-2020)

US Polling Places (2012-2020)

United States of America (the)

Standardized data on historical general election polling places in the United States.

Block Party

Block Party

New York City

We make local policy information accessible and byte-sized, with a weekly email of your community board’s most recent meeting highlights and transcript data.

The Open Data Handbook - Everything You Need To Know About Open Data

Guides, case studies and resources for government & civil society on the "what, why & how" of open data.



Platz der Luftbrücke 4-6, 12101, Berlin, Germany

Supporting the transformation of cities towards a more sustainable mobility through data analysis and digital communication.



1226 9th St NW, Washington, DC 20001, USA

Fighting air inequality through open data and community



12 Makadios, Diliman, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines

Mapping with and for the Older Adults (Senior Citizens) and Ageing Population in the Philippines

Congressional Data Coalition

We believe Congress should publish legislative information in formats both humans and computers can make sense of. Our mission is to promote greater transparency, preservation, and access to Congressional data.




Dominion makes data available to help add context and authority to public discourse and policy-making on vital issues of land ownership.

Seefeldstrasse 123, Zürich, Schweiz

Automated monitoring, issue management, analysis and reporting of political affairs.

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