The People > Meet the others > In-person meetings > Roundtables - (5)

Roundtables are groups of people selected to weigh in on a central organizing topics. They may be public or closed invitation, and are usually organized to build conversation and connections between actors on a given topic, such as open government data.

Showing 5 Results

Open Measurement Gatherings (OMG)

Open Measurement Gatherings (OMG)

2025 M Street Northwest, Downtown, Washington, DC 20036, USA

Convening internet measurement groups with an established practice of working in the open to collaborate and converge on best practices, methodologies, and complementary approaches for the collecting of data around internet censorship.

Federal Innovation Council

The Federal Innovation Council seeks to build a culture of innovation and experimentation in government by enabling and empowering federal employees to meet the challenges of 21st century governance.

Center for Open Data Enterprise

CODE, founded as the Center for Open Data Enterprise, is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to maximize the value of open and shared data for the public good.

The California Public Technology Roundtable

The California Public Technology Roundtable is a volunteer, informal group of civic techology leaders and practitioners coming together to support digital innovation at and across the state.

Aspen Institute Nonprofit Data Project

As government, civic and business leaders address a wide range of serious challenges; many will reach out to nonprofit groups for help only to find themselves hampered by a lack of up-to-date information on this important sector in our society.

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