Adjacent Fields > Digital security and privacy > Cybersecurity > VPN - (6)

Virtual Private Network tools used to protect privacy and security of democratic actors

Showing 6 Results

Google Play "Verified" badge for VPN apps

This new badge is designed to highlight apps that prioritize user privacy and safety, help users make more informed choices about the VPN apps they use, and build confidence in the apps they ultimately download.


Riseup provides online communication tools for people and groups working on liberatory social change.

FreedomBox Foundation

FreedomBox is a private server system that empowers regular people to host their own internet services, like a VPN, a personal website, file sharing, encrypted messengers, a VoIP server, a metasearch engine, and much more.

Russian Federation (the)

Ресурс-инструкция, помогающий пользователям получать доступ к заблокированным сайтам. Он рассказывает о трёх законных способах открыть заблокированный сайт: через расширения для браузера, VPN и более сложные системы обхода, такие как Tor, Psiphon, Lantern.

Amnezia VPN

Free service to create a personal VPN on your server. Helps to access blocked content without revealing privacy even to VPN providers.



New York City

Outline makes it easy for news organizations to set up a virtual private network (VPN) on their own server.

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