The Tech > Media > Games and gamification > Board games - (7)

Physical board games, card decks, and other games you can play in person, almost always without a screen.

Showing 7 Results


Daybreak is a cooperative boardgame about stopping climate change. It presents a hopeful vision of the near future, where you get to build the mind-blowing technologies and resilient societies we need to save the planet.

KI-Kompass Kartenspiel

KI-Kompass Kartenspiel

Humboldt-Institut Berlin, Invalidenstraße, Berlin, Germany

Findet es im Kartenspiel KI-Kompass heraus! Hier schlüpft ihr in die Rolle von ultimativen KI-Expert*innen und helft Bürger*innen bei ihren Anfragen.

Exploradores da Cidadania

Exploradores da Cidadania

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

A board game to energize participatory sessions in primary school classrooms, practically exploring various dimensions of citizen participation. Wander down the road of this game and improve your territory!

OmaStad Game

OmaStad Game

Helsinki, Finland

A card game for making suggestions on participatory budgeting

Governance game

Governance game

Netherlands (Nederland, Holland)

A card game that helps organizations and communities explore governance around a shared codebase, whether hypothetical or in a real-world collaboration.

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