The Tech > Participatory democracy > Engagement tech - (530)

Perhaps the core premise of civic tech is that it can improve civic engagement. Whether in concert with formal governmental bodies or independent of them, civic tech promises to help citizens (in the Latin sense, of the city) engage with one another to share power in the pursuit of building just societies.

Recommended reading:

  • A collection of case studies demonstrating where civic tech interventions have resulted in tangible improvements and benefits for governments/public institutions and their citizens
  • The Equitable Community Engagement Toolkit is an excellent collection of guides and resources for equitably engaging communities in order to share power.

Showing 530 Results

Listening Post Collective

Listening Post Collective

Internews Network, 15th Street Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

The Listening Post Collective provides journalists, newsroom leaders, and non-profits tools and advice to create meaningful conversations with their communities.



United States of America (the)

Giving everyone a voice in our democracy


Open source Open Government and E-Participation Web Software


Hier findest du eine Übersicht aller Wahllokale: Wähle deine Stadt aus, gib deine Adresse ein und finde dein Wahllokal in wenigen Sekunden.




Das NEOS Lab, die Parteiakademie der NEOS, schafft Raum für politische Entfaltung, um neue Lösungen für eine neue Politik zu entwickeln.

Marsad Majles

Marsad Majles

4 Rue Apollo XI, Cité Mahrajène, Tunis, Tunisie

“Marsad Majles” is Al Bawsala's project to monitor Tunisia's National Constituent Assembly (NCA).



Levallois-Perret, France

bluenove is a technology and consulting company that pioneers massive collective intelligence and is actively committed to civic tech. They operate the Assembl collective intelligence platform.


Analysen und Visualisierungen der Daten zur Bundestagswahl 2017 in Karlsruhe. Größte Änderungen, Wechselwähler, Erststimmen und mehr Statistiken.

Direct Democracy Database

The Direct Democracy Database allows users to explore the different ways direct democracy is used in different countries.

Delib Suite

Delib Suite

Orchard Street Business Centre, 13-14 Orchard Street, Bristol, BS1 5EH

Makers of Citizen Space, Dialogue, and Simulator.

id kaart Estonia

Discover the Estonian eID (Estonian: ID-kaart), its major applications and benefits for all citizens.

Caminos de la Villa

Caminos de la Villa

Thames 1024, DCV, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Caminos de la Villa es una plataforma de acción ciudadana que permite acceder de manera sencilla a la información vinculada con los procesos de urbanización en las villas de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y ver de qué manera se están llevando adelante. ¡Sumate!

Participa Portugal

A maneira fácil de participar nas consultas públicas lançadas em Portugal

Public Digital Innovation Space (PDIS)

To connect Taiwan and the world, PDIS incubates and facilitates public digital innovation and service, optimises the processes and tools of the public service with design thinking, guides the public sector to adopt social innovations and collaborate with communities of practice.

Silicon Valley Talent Partnership

Established in 1993, Joint Venture Silicon Valley provides analysis and action on issues affecting our region’s economy and quality of life.



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Tactical Remain voting in the UK European elections 2019

Az Glasuvam

„АЗ ГЛАСУВАМ” е специално разработена платформа. С нейна помощ, лесно ще можете да се информирате за всички важни моменти от изборния процес в България.

La Constitución de Todos

Una plataforma para crear la Constitución de Todos, entre Todos.

Cap Collectif

Cap Collectif

25 rue Claude-Tillier 75012 Paris, France

La plateforme d’intelligence collective la plus complète et la plus polyvalente sur le marché.

Citizen OS

Citizen OS


Open source platform for collaborative decisions and e-democracy applications.



304 W 8th St, Kansas City, MO 64105, USA

MindMixer acts as a virtual town-hall allowing community planning to happen online.



Brazil (Brasil)

Laudelina is a mobile application, aimed to empower domestic workers. It has an accessible guide to labour rights, abenefits calculator, a list of protection agencies, and an option to create a social network with fellow domestic workers. (MyVoice)

Latvian "civic-initiatives platform (MyVoice), developed and run by an NGO Foundation of Public Participation, MyVoice."


Crowdicity is an idea management software solution that can be used to harness the ideas of your employees, customers, and stakeholders to drive innovation.



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

We're the UK's leading public participation charity, on a mission to put people at the heart of decision-making



26a Movses Khorenatsi Street, Yerevan, Armenia

Citizen reporting platform



Taiwan (T'ai-wan)

A public engagement method that invites citizens and stakeholders to come to a consensus together, using a mix of digital tools.


AnimaCité est une application mobile de consultation citoyenne à l'échelle locale.

Citizens Foundation

Citizens Foundation

Reykjavík, Iceland

A platform that offers different citizen engagement solutions


Somos un laboratorio de participación ciudadana e innovación social en Colombia incubado por Purpose. Citizen participation and social innovation lab for Colombia and Latin America.



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

mySociety is a not-for-profit social enterprise that exists to invent and popularise websites and apps that enable citizens around the world to exert power over institutions and decision makers.

Ontario Inclusive Design Cards

Use these cards early in the design process to help you sketch, plan, prototype and design content, interactions and processes.

Slovenia (Slovenija)

Transcripts and voting records digitalized! A complete solution for any organization aiming for full transparency and digitalization of sessions. Parlameter handles transcripts and voting records from their collection to visualization and publishing.

California Report Card

The California Report Card was developed by the CITRIS Data and Democracy Initiative at UC Berkeley in collaboration with the Office of Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom. The California Report Card explores how smartphones and networks can enhance communication between the public and government leaders.



Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Cobi engages an entire academic community in planning a large-scale conference. Cobi elicits community members' preferences and constraints.

Oradea City Report

Oradea City Report este o aplicaţie pentru telefonul mobil sau tabletă, gratuită, simplă şi intuitivă, care permite cetăţenilor cu spirit civic să transmită diverse sesizări şi incidente către Primăria Oradea şi operatorii serviciilor publice locale (Compania de Apă Oradea, Oradea Transport Local, Termoficare Oradea, Poliţia Locală Oradea, RER Ecologic Service).

Practical Participation

Practical Participation

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Participation, organisational change, community development, and social technology

Mudamos signature collection app

Mudamos signature collection app

ITS Rio - Rua da Assembléia - Centro, Rio de Janeiro - State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Empowers citizens to directly present bills. It uses blockchain technology to register citizens' support for the bill.


Rejoignez votre réseau de voisinage pour collaborer, partager, recycler, covoiturer, acheter groupé, animer sa vie de quartier et réaliser des économies avec vos voisins !

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