The People > Fieldwide resources - (52)

Different resources and tools that can be used broadly by civic tech practitioners including opportunities to fund civic tech projects, awards, community surveys, and calendars of relevant events.

Showing 52 Results

Strategic Partnership and Merger Exploration Form

An IREX Venture are identifying how we can support the development community to surface potential strategic partnerships or mergers that can strengthen resilience.

How can civic tech help improve government service delivery?

Ever wonder, “How can civic tech help improve government service delivery?” If so, check out this new research from the Canadian Digital Service! It includes 5 case studies of partnerships between the Canadian government and civic tech groups, plus tools to assess if civic tech might be a good partner for a government initiative. Find it here:

Code for America Innovator Awards

The Code for America Innovator Awards honor groups or individuals that are shaping the path forward in the government and civic tech community.

America's Healthy Democracy Ecosystem Map

Our goal is to identify, categorize, and quantify existing organizations, networks, and funders who work to promote and protect healthy democracy in America. We aim to create a compelling, interactive resource that educates and empowers users to engage in democracy.

Open Government for Stronger Democracies

Open Government for Stronger Democracies

OECD, Rue André Pascal, Paris, France

An OECD global assessment of countries' implementation of its 2017 Recommendation on Open Government

International Association for Public Participation (IAP2)

Our mission is to promote and advance public participation / community engagement globally through targeted initiatives that are guided by culturally adaptive standards of practice and core values.

International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) South Africa

International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) South Africa

South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)

Promoting excellence in public participation in Southern Africa

International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) Latinoamérica

Nace como una forma de contribuir a desplegar las habilidades y competencias necesarias en personas y agrupaciones de diversa índole que desean ser protagonistas de la construcción del futuro para sus comunidades, territorios y países.

International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) Indonesia

IAP2 adalah asosiasi anggota internasional yang mempromosikan dan meningkatkan praktik partisipasi publik atau pelibatan masyarakat, yang menggabungkan individu, pemerintah, lembaga, dan entitas lain yang memengaruhi kepentingan publik di seluruh dunia.

International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) Australasia

As the peak body for the community and stakeholder engagement sector, IAP2 Australasia, believes that engagement, when done well, improves environmental, social and governance outcomes and increases trust in the democratic process.

International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) USA

IAP2 USA is a nationwide organization that leads, advances and advocates for best practices in public participation. It is a home and community for people who believe good decisions can be made together.

International Association of Algorithmic Auditors (IAAA)

The IAAA is a community of practice that aims to advance and organise the algorithmic auditing profession, promote AI auditing standards, certify best practices and contribute to the emergence of Responsible AI.

International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) Canada

Take advantage of world-class training and develop your skillset, join a like-minded community, and access member discounts when you join IAP2 Canada.

Pioneering Practitioners: Democratic Innovation Organizations to Watch

Recognizing organizations that support politicians to empower citizens and develop better policies for people and the planet.

The Decelerator

The Decelerator

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

The Decelerator is a free support service for civil society organisations. We offer information, tools and hands-on support for better endings.

Stewarding Loss

Stewarding Loss

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Focused on promoting conversation and action when it comes to the ending of organisations in civil society.

Nonprofit Professional Employees Union

"Bringing nonprofit professionals together to ensure great nonprofits thrive" - Includes Action Network, Sum of Us, The Movement Cooperative, and other workforces

Ampliando Democracia

Ampliando Democracia

Madrid (Spain)

Ampliando Democracia es un proyecto que promueve la reflexión sobre cómo mejorar la gobernanza, las políticas públicas y la calidad democrática a través de una participación ciudadana más profunda, inclusiva y sólida.

Growing & Sustaining African Civic Tech

Growing & Sustaining African Civic Tech

South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)

A Playbook for learning about funding and financing options for the African civic technology community.

2022 Political Tech Landscape Report

Every year, we track innovations and changes across the political tech space, recognizing the need to capture the developments in this fast-changing industry. This report focuses on the historic 2022 midterm cycle.

Sustaining and Scaling Civic and Government Technology

A report by International Republican Institute "synthesiz[ing] core challenges and lessons learned from practitioners, funders and government to help answer the questions of why civic and govtech initiatives struggle long term and what can be done about it."

Public Interest Technology University Network: Understanding the State of the Field in 2021

This report from Katharine Lusk and Azer Bestravos of Boston University evaluates of the state of the field across the 43 academic institutions that make up the Public Interest Technology University Network as of the summer of 2021, providing insight into the ways in which PIT-UN members are investing in its five priority areas, and sheds light on the state of the field more generally.

All Tech Is Human Tech & Democracy report

All Tech Is Human’s Tech & Democracy report addresses key issues and best practices in the field, and highlights a diverse range of individuals working in the field (across civil society, government, industry, academia, and entrepreneurship).

Catalist Network

Catalist Network

New York City, NY, USA

Catalist is a social impact network and digital library where you can discover projects, events, and opportunities to change the world.

Toolkit Navigator

The Observatory of Public Sector Innovation's compendium of toolkits for public sector innovation and transformation, curated by OPSI and our partners around the world

National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) awards

Government in which the public is fully served through business innovation and the efficient and effective use of technology policy

Innovations in American Government Award

The Innovations in American Government Awards is the nation's preeminent program devoted to recognizing and promoting excellence and creativity in the public sector.

Digital States

Digital States

United States of America (the)

A comprehensive study that examines best practices, policies and progress made by state governments in their use of digital technologies to better serve their citizens and streamline operations.

Route Fifty Navigator Awards 2018

Route Fifty Navigator Awards 2018

Atlantic Media, New Hampshire Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

Individuals and teams should demonstrate their ability to implement a great idea that improves public sector services and the communities they serve.

The Good Lobby

TGL is committed to giving voice to underrepresented public interests and bringing more citizens into the public policy process.

Digital Counties

Digital Counties

United States of America (the)

Examining the overall technology programs and plans of the county, these awards are presented during NACo’s annual conference held each July.

GovTech Top 25

GovTech Top 25

United States of America (the)

A program started in 2002 to recognize those technology leaders putting their knowledge to work to solve problems and serve their communities.

GovTech 100

GovTech 100

United States of America (the)

A compendium of companies focused on, making a difference in, and selling to state and local government agencies.

Government Experience Awards

Government Experience Awards

United States of America (the)

For 20 years, the Center for Digital Government’s Best of the Web Awards have recognized and benchmarked state and local government progress online.

Sunshine Week

Sunshine Week

Washington, DC

Across the country, Sunshine Week is marked by panel discussions, workshops and other events about using and understanding the latest developments in freedom of information resources.

Digital Cities

Digital Cities

United States of America (the)

Examining the overall technology programs and plans of the city with awards presented concurrently with the National League of Cities conference held each November.

Explora Latam

Explora Latam

South America

Map of Open Data, Civic Technology and social innovation in Latin America

Civic Tech Innovation Network (CTIN)

Civic Tech Innovation Network (CTIN)

Johannesburg, South Africa

Making technologies work for governance, accountability, and civic participation

Fintech for Good Award

"Honour a financial services or technology organisation for its outstanding contribution to a charitable cause, for example, through funds donated, services offered pro-bono, or a creative volunteer programme"

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