The Tech > Advocacy tech > Watchdogging and transparency - (315)

Technologies that seek to provide greater visibility to the activities of governments, corporations, or individuals in power and allow others to monitor them.

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Mulika allows users to annoymously report corruption by government officials and other crimes through SMS. Userscan report a case by sending a text message, which is forwarded to relevant officials.

Tenders Guru

Tenders Guru is a website that allows to monitor public procurement processes in Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Spain.

Common Social Accountability Platform

The CSAP uses interactive radio shows (radio dialogues in combination with SMS feedback) to enable citizens to hold their leaders to account by asking the hard questions

Fundación Ciudadana Civio

Fundación Ciudadana Civio

C/ Sebastián Elcano 32, 1st Floor, office nº 17. CP 28012, Madrid. España (Spain)

Periodismo y acción para abrir lo público



55 Moleye Street, Alagomeji-Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria

BudgIT is a civic organization that applies technology to intersect citizen engagement with institutional improvement, to facilitate societal change.

Environmental Data & Governance Initiative (EDGI)

EDGI is an action-oriented research collaborative driven by the Environmental Right to Know (ERTK) – the belief that people should be able to know and make decisions about environmental conditions of concern, and that the collection and stewardship of environmental information should equip people, communities, and workers to protect their health and support the flourishing of surrounding ecosystems.

Romania Sistemul National de Raportare

Ministerul Finanțelor Publice a creat Sistemul naţional de verificare, monitorizare, raportare şi control al situaţiilor financiare, angajamentelor legale şi bugetelor entităților publice din România. Aici poți găsi informații despre activitatea financiar-bugetară a acestora.

India (Bhārat) is India’s first dedicated Fact Check initiative.

Harta Rapoarte Activitate

Pentru munca de cercetare din cadrul proiectului „Podul Bunei Guvernări", au fost verificate 106 instituţii din România (18 ministere, 41 de consilii judeţene şi 47 de primării ale municipiilor reşedinţă de judeţ, inclusiv Bucureşti şi cele 6 sectoare).

Taiwan (T'ai-wan)


Follow The Money Nigeria

We advocate, visualize and track government spending and international aid, and let you know how effective it has been in our rural communities.

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