Search Results - fight disinfo (496)

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Croatia (Hrvatska)

Croatian media specializing in fact checking, that is, verifying the factual accuracy of claims in public space.

First Draft News

First Draft News

Columbia University, New York, NY, USA

First Draft began in 2015 as a small nonprofit coalition that grew out of a need to understand, debunk, and provide guidance on the misinformation we all were seeing on the social web. It will live on as the Information Futures Lab.



1100 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 1300B Washington, DC 20036

Tracking Donald Trump's Campaign Promises. It is a project by the fact-checking organization Politifact.

InVID Verification Plugin

"Verification Swiss Army knife", including lookups of video clips to find them in context elsewhere

International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN)

International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN)

Poynter Institute for Media Studies, 3rd Street South, St. Petersburg, FL, USA

The International Fact-Checking Network is a unit of the Poynter Institute dedicated to bringing together fact-checkers worldwide.

WhatsApp Research Awards for Social Science and Misinformation

For this first phase of our program, WhatsApp is commissioning a competitive set of awards to researchers interested in exploring issues that are related to misinformation on WhatsApp.


MisinfoCon is a global movement focused on building solutions to online trust, verification, fact checking, and reader experience in the interest of addressing misinformation in all of its forms.




TraceMap is an open source web tool that allows you to visualize the spread of a Tweet, analyze its trustworthiness and to engage with others in fighting misinformation.

News Provenance Project (NPP)

The News Provenance Project seeks to diminish the spread of misinformation by empowering readers to make more informed, confident judgments about the news they see online.



405 E 7th St, Austin, TX 78701, USA

#CredCon is an ongoing two-day hackathon that considers the impact of technology on news and information sources online and explores themes such as trust, reliability, accuracy and credibility.


Harnessing Data Science to Measure and Counter Hate Speech & Crime

Right To Be (formerly Heartmob)

Join the movement to end online harassment! We’re fighting fire with water, and working step by step to assist people facing harassment, educate communities, and stop harassment online.

University of the Philippines Diliman, Roxas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines

A collaborative fact-checking project for the Philippines’ 2019 elections bringing together 11 news organizations and 3 universities to counter disinformation and provide the public with verified information

Rum Toast

Rum Toast

Taiwan (T'ai-wan)

To specifically break through online rumors, restore the truth, and urge everyone to continue to enjoy life.

Truthiness Collaborative

Truthiness Collaborative

3502 Watt Way, ASC 104 Los Angeles, CA 90089-0281

To advance research and engagement around the misinformation, disinformation, propaganda and other challenges to discourse fueled by our evolving media and technology ecosystem

Ctrl Alt Right Delete

Ctrl Alt-Right Delete is a weekly newsletter devoted to understanding how the far right operates online and developing strategies and tactics to fight back

Choose Your Own Fake News game

Choose Your Own Fake News is an interactive "choose your own adventure" game.

Digital Health Lab

Digital Health Lab

San Francisco

At Meedan’s Digital Health Lab we are researching, designing and testing a digital response framework for addressing health misinformation online, centered around accessibility and equity.

The CredCo UX of Credible Content working group

aims to promote fact-based information consumption and sharing through the development of design prototypes, design guidelines, and empirical research that explores the landscape of ways to signal the credibility of information to everyday users.



BuzzFeed, North Highland Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, USA

BuzzFeed News's YouTube show fighting misinformation

Global Disinformation Index

We have designed a neutral, independent and transparent index to assess news websites on their risk of carrying disinformation.


dBunk(r) unlocks a user’s potential to share in the world’s deepest knowledge, clearest observations, and brightest thoughts.

Istinomjer (Bosnia & Hertzegovina)

Istinomjer (Bosnia & Hertzegovina)

Bosnia & Hertzegovina Enver Sehovic 10/2 71000 Sarajevo, BiH

Istinomjer je inicijativa koja u svom fokusu ima promociju odgovornosti političkih partija koje participiraju u izvršnoj vlasti, kao i nosioca javnih funkcija koji imaju odgovornost prema građanima/kama BiH. Cilj mu je da politički i javni diskurs u BiH što više usmjeri ka promociji političke odgovornosti kao temeljnog principa demokratije.

Share the Facts

Share the Facts

Google, 8th Avenue, Manhattan, New York, NY, USA

Share the Facts offers a new way for professional fact checkers—like Politifact, The Washington Post, and—to spread their work across the Internet.

Aunt Meiyu

Aunt Meiyu

Taiwan (T'ai-wan)

A Taiwanese developer Carol created a chatbot called Aunt Meiyu on popular messaging app LINE. Aunt Meiyu is designed to combat disinformation circulated in private chat group, especially family chat groups

Oxford Internet Institute Computational Propaganda

investigates the use of computer-based approaches to spread misleading information in public life.

Maidan Monitoring Information Center

Maidan Monitoring Information Center is a non-government non-profit civic organization that cares for societal security in Ukraine, which is achieved through public dialogue, improving the culture of communication and reducing the level of violence in society.



114 Whitechapel High St. London E1 7PT

Empowering everyone with a better understanding of content.

Fake News Hong Kong

This website collects and verifies fake news reports.

Cofact Thailand

Cofact Thailand

Bangkok, Thailand

Fight Misinformation in Thailand with Chatbot Fact-Checking

Stowarzyszenie Demagog

Stowarzyszenie Demagog

Katowice, Poland

Demagog Association is Poland's first factchecking organization. It's main aim is the improvement of the quality of the public debate through unbiased and reliable information.

The Sentinel Project

Founded in 2008, the Sentinel Project is a Canadian non-profit organization that assists communities threatened by mass atrocities worldwide through direct cooperation with the people in harm’s way and the innovative use of technology.

Istinomer (Serbia)

Istinomer (Serbia)

ISTINOMER Toploska 22, 11000 Belgrade Serbia

Factchecking Serbian politics

AP debunks election misinformation on Facebook

As part of its comprehensive fact-checking efforts, The Associated Press announced that it will work with Facebook to identify and debunk false and misleading stories related to the U.S. midterm election that are circulating on the platform.



222 Broadway, 19th Floor, New York, NY 10038

A misinformation fighting extension for Facebook News Feed

Dispute Finder Archive

The Dispute Finder Firefox Extension helped you know when information you read is disputed by highlighting snippets if they make a disputed claim



Taiwan (T'ai-wan)

a convenient place to verify that our efforts are to have hope in the future cleaner network environment, cultivate hope we have a verification message can alert attitude Instead of sharing information. // 對於 MyGoPen 的起源是希望協助長輩或有資訊落差的朋友們,有個方便查證的地方,我們的努力是希望未來能有更乾淨的網路環境,希望培養大家都有個可以警戒查證訊息的態度,而不是人云亦云的分享資訊。

Tech & Check Conference

Tech & Check Conference

Duke University, Durham, NC, USA

As part of its Tech & Check Cooperative, the Reporters’ Lab is serving as a hub for automated fact-checking to connect journalists and technologists around the world. The conference gave them an opportunity to demonstrate current projects and discuss the big challenges of automation.



North Andover, MA

Was a professionally curated lists of online sources, available free for public use

Dangerous Speech Project

The Dangerous Speech Project was founded in 2010 to study speech (any form of human expression) that inspires violence between groups of people – and to find ways to mitigate this while protecting freedom of expression.

Proto's WhatsApp Checkpoint Tipline

“The Checkpoint tipline is primarily used to gather data for research, and is not a helpline that will be able to provide a response to every user.”

The Firefox EU Elections Toolkit

The Firefox EU Elections Toolkit helps you to prevent pre-vote online manipulation

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