Unter dem Begriff Open Government Data OGD werden von der Verwaltung gesammelte Daten in maschinenlesbarer Form öffentlich frei zugänglich gemacht. Offene Standards bei den Schnittstellen und der Software ermöglichen mehr Transparenz, Partizipation und Kollaboration. Neben den technischen Schnittstellen muss seitens der Verwaltung ein rechtlicher Rahmen geschaffen werden. Beispiele für diese öffentlichen Daten sind etwa Geo-Daten, Verkehrsdaten, Umweltdaten, Budgetdaten oder statistische Daten.Personenbezogene Daten werden dabei keine veröffentlicht. Die wichtigsten Datensätze sind aber sogenannte POI-Datensätze (point of interests = Ort von Interesse), also geobezogene Datensätze. Diese können direkt vom Geoserver der Stadt bezogen werden. Der Daten-Katalog wird seitens der Stadt Salzburg laufend erweitert. Die Daten werden unter der CC BY 3.0 AT Lizenz zur Verfügung gestellt. Rückmeldungen hinsichtlich der bereitgestellten und weiterer erwünschen Datenreihen: an [email protected]
Astrea Justice is human rights remedy mobile app that is being used in Zimbabwe and has the potential of being scaled into other countries. It comes along with functions aimed to empower citizens to demand good governance, observance of human rights, accountability, inter alia.
This is an exploratory overview of current and upcoming sources of data, processing pipelines, and data products. It is aimed at helping non-experts explore and harness the unfolding revolution of Earth observation, with an emphasis on understanding current capabilities and project development considerations.
The Foundation supports long-term, free basic research beneficial to Sweden, mainly in medicine, technology, and the natural sciences. This is achieved through long-term grants to excellent researchers and to projects of the highest international standard.
The RD community is a place for those who use data in social change and advocacy to develop practical approaches to addressing the ethical, legal, social and privacy-related challenges they face.
Jakarta Selatan, South Jakarta City, Jakarta 12510, Indonesia
Connecting volunteers to social organizations / Misi kami adalah untuk membuat kolaborasi antara relawan dan komunitas dengan misi sosial menjadi lebih mudah.
Code for Tucson is the Tucson chapter of the Code for America Brigade. We are a group of volunteer civic hackers working together to solve local issues and help people engage with the city.
MetroLab Network, 777 6th Street Northwest, Washington, DC 20001, USA
A collaborative that will provide an active, authoritative resource for municipal leaders to navigate emerging privacy issues, share practical guidance, and promote fair and transparent data practices
Haqdarshak enables citizens to access government welfare schemes for which they are eligible. They provide onlineand offline support with documentation and applications.
The MobLab Dispatch is a round-up of the most thought-provoking stories, resources, opportunities and discussions about changemaking in today’s networked world.
El programa per a la Digitalització Oberta: Programari Lliure i Desenvolupament Àgil de Serveis de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona defineix el procés de canvi profund i progressiu de la manera en que la ciutat oferirà els seus serveis a la ciutadania en els propers anys.
Find great local banks and invest in growing your community. Our interactive map and bank report cards arm you with knowledge you need to make the right choice.
yAvo is a free legal advice service where users can post legal or law related queries on the platform, which are thenanswered by lawyers and legal professionals registered on the site.
Census Accelerate, an initiative within the innovation arm of the U.S. Census Bureau, has launched its first-ever video prize competition to reward the most engaging, impactful and informative videos about the 2020 Census - with a total of $50,000 in cash prizes.
In a world in which fear and insecurity are being twisted into hate, and inequalities, xenophobia and authoritarianism are on the rise, a renewed municipalist movement is emerging to defend human rights, democracy and the common good. Fearless Cities is the first book written by and for the global municipalist movement.
The Nigerian Law blog publishes blogposts to educate users on legal issues. It also engages users through social media by publishing information about laws and citizens’ rights.
The Bus Turnaround Coalition is a diverse group of New Yorkers determined to turn around the poor service that plagues the city’s bus system and the more than 2 million rides taken on it every weekday.
The Beeck Center for Social Impact and Innovation was founded in 2014 to provide training and experiential opportunities for students, faculty, and global leaders to enact solution-based social change.