Adjacent Fields > Tech for public challenges > Citizen science - (19)

Citizen science is the practice where regular people can get involved in the scientific process, usually through improved access to cheaper hardware, like sensors, cameras, and computers, and through methods like open innovation and crowdsourcing.

"Neal Lane, PhD, while serving as director of the National Science Foundation, used the term “civic scientist” in a 1996 lecture before an international assembly at the National Academy of Sciences. He said, “In the past several months, I have spoken to many groups of my colleague scientists here in America about a new, additional role that, I believe, scientists must play in society. I termed this role the ‘civic scientist’ — civic meaning concerning or affecting the community or the people. In this new capacity, scientists step beyond their campuses, laboratories, ministries, and institutes and into the center of their communities to engage in active dialogue with their fellow citizens.” -- Research!America

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