The Tech > Civic data - (708)

This page curates everything from open government data to visualization tools to data standards to algorithmic implementation. The only common thread is that all these data and data products share a commitment to civic interests.

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Showing 708 Results



990 Spring Garden St, Philadelphia, PA 19123, USA

Create greener communities and explore our urban forests, together.

Open Mobility Foundation

Municipalities across the country have joined together to create a new global non-profit organization called the Open Mobility Foundation to support the development of open-sourced software that provides scalable mobility solutions for cities.

Munsoft Spatial and Revenue Management

Munsoft Spatial and Revenue Management

South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)

The sustainable foundation for the modern Smart City: Munsoft Spatial ensures that our municipalities have an up-to-date list of all properties keeping the Property Register, Deeds Database, Valuation Roll and Registered Land Parcels in sync automatically, giving you a bird's eye view of the completeness of revenue.

Code for Australia School Finder

Code for Australia School Finder

New South Wales, Australia

School Finder is an online tool for parents or guardians to find the right school for their kids.

Caselaw Access Project

Caselaw Access Project

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA

free public access portal to more than 6.4 million state and federal court decisions encompassing 360 years of American case law

Google Crisis Map

Google Crisis Map

Mountain View, CA, USA

A collection of national and regional-scale layers related to weather, hazards, and emergency preparedness and response, mostly for the US.

Google Earth

Explore the far reaches of the world, right in your browser.

NYC School of Data

NYC School of Data

New York City

NYC’s best public interest tech + open data event of the year — NYC School of Data!

Maps for Change

Maps for Change

San Francisco

Embeddable map of parallel events and buses going to the People's Climate March in Washington, DC.


Deze tool brengt alle onderwijs- en onderzoeksprojecten van de HvA in kaart en is een startpunt voor onderlinge samenwerking. Kijk, ontdek, deel en doe mee met HvA in de Stad!



565 W Adams St, Chicago, IL 60661, USA

It aims to be a complete and authoritative source for all audio recorded in the Court since the installation of a recording system in October 1955.

Data 4 Change

The event is a 5-day design sprint where multidisciplinary teams consisting of the best local, regional and international talent in data, design, journalism and technology are teamed up with NGOs that collect data.

Berliner Gehwegbreiten

A map showing the width of sidewalks across Berlin using #OpenData

Germany (Deutschland)

Light into the darkness of the corporate network

Amazon Public Dataset team

Amazon Public Dataset team

Amazon, 8th Avenue, Seattle, WA, USA

This registry exists to help people discover and share datasets that are available via AWS resources.

Election data gathering parties

Election data gathering parties

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Help build the free database of UK election candidates

Mobile Justice

Mobile Justice

Civic Hall, West 22nd Street, New York, NY, USA

Watchdogging apps for voter suppression, police brutality, and bullying

PFIF missing persons

PFIF is a data model and an XML-based exchange format for sharing data about people who are missing or displaced by natural or human-made disasters.



Switzerland (Schweiz, Suisse, Svizzera)

Daten öffentlich, frei verfügbar und nutzbar zu machen für mehr Transparenz, Innovation und Effizienz — das ist Open Data.

Organisational Digital Maturity Assessment Criteria

Organisational Digital Maturity Assessment Criteria

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

The Voluntary Sector Digital Maturity Matrix was a free tool provided by NCVO to assess the current maturity of a voluntary sector organisation's digital capability, compared with its desired target state

Nkola App

Nkola App is a tool which can disseminate employment rights information via the short message codes on your phone – the ones usually used for airtime or service provision from the telecom companies.

Internet Archive End of Term archive

a wide-ranging effort to preserve the entirety of the federal government web presence, especially the .gov and .mil domains, along with federal websites on other domains and official government social media accounts.

Law Padi

Law Padi


LawPadi started as an online legal advice system to provide information and resources to people in Nigeria.

City of Buffalo Data 101

Data 101 will be a multi-session course designed to introduce data fundamentals and help residents unlock features of the Open Data Buffalo portal to benefit their communities.


With Trimble at your side, you can harness geospatial data collection and measurement technologies, field inspection and asset management tools, as well as analysis systems to engage with citizens, collaborate with business partners, and manage change and compliance to optimize your operations and workforce.

Tanzania Data Lab dlab

Tanzania Data Lab dlab

University Of Dar es Salaam Computing Centre - SED, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Promoting innovation and data literacy through a premier center of excellence


Investigate how weather and climate change are impacting our communities and environment.

Budget G0V TW

Budget G0V TW

Taiwan (T'ai-wan)

Data visualization and exploration tool for the Taiwanese Central Government General Budget

Strava Metro

Strava Metro

Strava Office, Potrero Avenue, San Francisco, CA, USA

Metro is the largest active transportation dataset on the planet.

Crashmapper NYC

Crashmapper NYC

New York City

Mapping NYC automobile collisions and their resulting injuries and fatalities

Open Government Data Oberösterreich

Die Oö. Landesregierung unterstützt durch ihren Beschluss vom 29. Oktober 2012 die nachhaltige Entwicklung der Informationsgesellschaft und Bürgerbeteiligung nach den Grundsätzen Transparenz, Partizipation und Zusammenarbeit.


ODK lets you build powerful offline forms to collect the data you need wherever it is. Join the leading social impact organizations that use ODK to make the world a better place.

UK official statistics on homelessness: comparisons, processes and definitions

UK official statistics on homelessness: comparisons, processes and definitions

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

This tool will help you to compare official statistics on homelessness and rough sleeping across the UK, with information provided on each of the four countries.

Strava data licensing for cities

Hundreds of public agencies around the world use Strava Metro to evaluate and improve bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. Strava

Human Services Data Specification (HSDS)

HSDS is designed to support the publication of open, interoperable community resource directory data.

Brookings Democracy Dashboard

Brookings Democracy Dashboard

Brookings Institution, Massachusetts Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

The Brookings Democracy Dashboard is a collection of data designed to help users evaluate political system and governmental performance in the United States.



285 Washington St, Somerville, Massachusetts, USA

Supernormal explored an algorithm that integrates social equity as a key variable in prioritizing infrastructural replacements and repairs.

Open Data Voralberg

Open Data Voralberg

Austria (Österreich)

Das Land Vorarlberg stellt auf allen Interessierten Regierungs- und Verwaltungsdaten zur Verfügung.

Data Standards Directory

Data Standards Directory

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA

An open source directory of data standards across categories like Annual Budget, Building Permits, Crime Statistics, Election Results, Expenditure, Public Facilities, Real-Time Transit, Road Construction, Service Requests, and Zoning.

Democracy Works Elections API

Our full-time research team maintains a detailed calendar of upcoming state, special, and local elections, which we release as our Elections API.

Open Australia Foundation

Open Australia Foundation

The OpenAustralia Foundation PO Box 147 Katoomba NSW 2780

Giving all Australians the tools they need to effect the change they want.



990 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Legislative district matching and elected official data



South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)

Wazimap provides useful facts about places in South Africa

The Movement Cooperative

The Movement Cooperative

Greeley Square Station 4 East 27th Street New York, NY 10001-9998

By leveraging the collective bargaining power of our members, The Movement Cooperative provides best-in-class data and technology resources that match the needs of progressive organizations at the cheapest possible price point.

NYC Open Data Week

NYC Open Data Week

New York City

It is an opportunity to engage New Yorkers in the information that is produced and used by City government.

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