The Tech > Civic data > Data schemas and standards - (76)

Formats designed to structure data, which then enables interoperability, analysis, and software development.

To learn more, listen to this Government Digital Services UK podcast episode about the Data Standards Authority.

Showing 76 Results

Library of Congress Machine Readable Cataloging

The MARC formats are standards for the representationand communication of bibliographic and related information in machine-readable form.

Open Referral

We develop data standards and open platforms that make it easy to share and find information about community resources.

Clearspending Russia

Автоматизированный мониторинг и аналитика по заключенным госконтрактам – инструменты для общественного анализа, выявления злоупотреблений, борьбы с коррупцией и неэффективным расходованием государственных средств.

Represent Canada

Find the elected officials and electoral districts for any Canadian address or postal code, at all levels of government

State Decoded

The State Decoded parser can either be modified to use bespoke PHP to parse a legal code in its native format, or it can parse a prescribed XML format.



Chicago, IL

DataMade is a civic technology company. We build open source technology using open data to empower journalists, researchers, governments and advocacy organizations.

Green Button

The Green Button initiative is an industry-led effort to respond to a White House call-to-action to provide electricity, natural gas, and water customers with easy access to their energy- and water-usage data in a consumer-friendly and computer-friendly format.

Geena Davis Inclusion Quotient

Solutions Through rigorous research and strategic partnerships, the Institute empowers media makers, studios, and industry leaders


We build open source software, digital infrastructure, and governance frameworks to enable public-private collaboration and the seamless exchange of transport data.

Federal Spending Transparency

The Federal Spending Transparency GitHub page is a space for stakeholders inside and outside government to stay informed on Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014 (DATA Act) Implementation

DCLG Waste Standards

DCLG Waste Standards

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

This project was born at LocalGov Camp 2014, during a session on common technology standards for local government services.

Humanitarian Exchange Language

Humanitarian Exchange Language

Humanity Hub, Fluwelen Burgwal, The Hague, Netherlands

HXL is a different kind of data standard, designed to improve information sharing during a humanitarian crisis without adding extra reporting burdens.

Google Person Finder

Google Person Finder helps people reconnect with friends and loved ones in the aftermath of natural and humanitarian disasters.

Open Knowledge Foundation

A world where knowledge creates power for the many, not the few.

Wayfindr with TfL

Wayfindr with TfL

52-58 Arcola Street, London E8 2DJ, UK

We have developed the world's first internationally-approved standard for accessible audio navigation.


A specification of the civic.json metadata standard for civic technology projects

Google Civic Information API

The Civic Information API allows you to build applications that allow citizens and voters to know about their political representation and voting locations.

Open Contracting standard

Governments around the world spend an estimated US$13 trillion through contracts every year. Yet, contracting information is often unavailable for public scrutiny.

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Shared, open cross-government standards make services better for users and cheaper to run.

The Local Office Function Index

The Local Office Function Index (LOFI) is a standardized, nationwide dataset of what your elected officials are responsible for and how you can engage with them.

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