The People > Meet the others - (379)

Where you'll find community in civic tech.

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Showing 379 Results

Open Uptown

Open Uptown

Chicago, IL

We forge partnerships between neighbors who use technology to improve interactions with, and access to, public services.

Code for Asheville

Code for Asheville

Asheville, NC

We are people who care about our community and want to help make it better.


A global volunteer-run project crowdsourcing resources on the web to address gender-based violence

Gabinete de Inovação

Gabinete de Inovação

Asa Sul, Brasilia - Federal District, Brazil

um laboratório que reunirá mandatos das casas legislativas de todo o país para que compartilhem e construam caminhos para a inovação nos parlamentos brasileiros

Code for DC

Code for DC

Washington, DC

Founded in 2012, Code for DC is a non-partisan, non-political group of volunteer civic hackers working together to solve local issues and help people engage with the city.

Code for Hackensack

Code for Hackensack

Hackensack, NJ

We are futurists. We are founders. We are friends.We are the Hackensack Brigade of Code for America.

Ottawa Civic Tech

Ottawa Civic Tech (YOWCT) is a community of citizens from diverse sectors and experiences who are interested in better understanding our complex social and civic challenges and building solutions at t

Civic Solidarity Platform

A platform that brings together non-governmental organizations committed to improving the human rights situation in Europe, Eurasia and North America

Netroots Nation

For more than a decade, Netroots Nation has hosted the largest annual conference for progressives, drawing 3,000+ attendees from around the country and beyond.

Civic Lab Gent

Civic Lab Gent

Wispelbergstraat 2, Gent, België

Lab for open citizen Science and tech

Code for Pittsburgh

Code for Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Code for Pittsburgh, the Pittsburgh region’s Code for America Brigade, makes the Pittsburgh region a better place through the use of information and technology.



Harlem, Manhattan, New York, NY, USA

CryptoHarlem is a Digital Surveillance Clinic that has been meeting on a monthly basis since 2013 in the Harlem neighborhood of New York City. It is always open to the public and completely free of charge.

Digital Sherlocks 360/OS

Digital Sherlocks 360/OS

RoundhouseChalk Farm Rd, Camden Town, London NW1 8EH, UK

360/OS brings together journalists, activists, innovators, and leaders from around the world as part of our grassroots digital solidarity movement fighting for objective truth as a foundation of democracy.

Digital Government Institute's working groups

DGI curates focused, in-depth programs where technical communities gather to share their knowledge and success. DGI delivers substantial, useful information

GOT Data

GOT Data

Prishtina, Kosovo

GOT Data is an annual international conference, formerly known as ODPA (Opening Data in Public Administration), which gathers public officials and other International open data and transparency stakeholders to discuss the importance and impact that open data has.

Public Interest Tech at the Royal Society of Arts Conference

Public Interest Tech at the Royal Society of Arts Conference

Moscone Center, Howard Street, San Francisco, CA, USA

Across six sessions on March 7, 2019, we’ll look at how public interest tech is already changing the way power is distributed and decisions are made across public policy, philanthropic organizations, and Silicon Valley board rooms.


Are you a reporter interested in covering voting issue this election cycle? See our Electionland project.



San Diego, CA

Learn from your local government officials & staff about the smart, safe, and sustainable solutions working in their communities

Chi Hack Night

Chicago's weekly event to build, share, and learn about civic tech.

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