The People > Learn about civic tech > Newsletters - (24)

Newsletters that will keep you informed about news, announcements, stories, discussions, analysis, resources, and new opportunities related to civic tech.

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Showing 24 Results

Your weekly insight into GovTech collaboration and innovation in Africa, by Luke Cavanaugh

Your weekly insight into GovTech collaboration and innovation in Europe and Asia

Civic Futures

Civic Futures

United States of America (the)

A scratchpad for studying and imagining revived civic engagement in the 21st century.


LinkedIn newsletter sharing tech and innovation jobs in government from across the US, by Rebecca Heywood

International Journalists' Network

IJNet delivers the latest on global media innovation, news apps and tools, training opportunities and expert advice for professional and emerging journalists worldwide.


PartyParty is a source for in-depth reporting on political changemakers, political parties and political trends across Europe.

Disinfo Matters

We’re looking beyond fake news to examine how manipulation of narratives, rewriting of history and altering our memories is reshaping our world.

Authoritarian Tech Newsletter

From biometrics to surveillance — when people in power abuse technology, the rest of us suffer. Written by Ellery Biddle.

The Justice Tech Download

Justice technology news, events and jobs by Jason Tashea

New_ Public

New_ Public: a magazine, a newsletter, and a community for better digital spaces. It's a home for the people who are building a community-serving, public-spirited tech future.

The Connector

A newsletter on democracy, organizing, movements and tech by Micah Sifry


Poynter's Factually helps fact-checkers, educators, journalists and citizens get at the truth. Written by the International Fact-Checking Network’s reporter Harrison Mantas, Factually highlights interesting fact-checks, dives into global misinformation trends and features fact-checking and media literacy training opportunities.

🍊오렌지레터 구독하기 (Orange Letter)

🍊오렌지레터 구독하기 (Orange Letter)

04002 #301~304 Local Stitch Zandari, 125 Donggyo-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul

A weekly newsletter about social change initiatives from Slowalk in Seoul

Civic Source

a newsletter about how local governments use data and technology to shape our communities

MobLab Dispatch

The MobLab Dispatch is a round-up of the most thought-provoking stories, resources, opportunities and discussions about changemaking in today’s networked world.

TechAndCheck Newsletter code

TechAndCheck Newsletter code

Duke University, Durham, NC, USA

Code to send out a daily tip sheet for fact checkers

GovLab digest email

Subscribe to curated findings and actionable knowledge from The Living Library, delivered to your inbox every Friday

Ctrl Alt Right Delete

Ctrl Alt-Right Delete is a weekly newsletter devoted to understanding how the far right operates online and developing strategies and tactics to fight back

Clear The Lobby

Clear The Lobby

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The laws MPs are voting on this week, explained in plain English. Landing in your inbox every Sunday.

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