Participatory democracy strives to create opportunities for all members of a population to make meaningful contributions to decision-making and seeks to broaden the range of people who have access to such opportunities. (Wikipedia: Participatory democracy)
DIA will select 40 participants to receive free capacity-building assistance and support for launching or improving innovative participatory programs in the European Union (EU) and Horizon Europe countries.
Do you need help launching or enhancing a participatory program? Apply for expert mentoring support provided by the Nets4Dem network in Horizon Europe Area!
Our mission is to promote and advance public participation / community engagement globally through targeted initiatives that are guided by culturally adaptive standards of practice and core values.
IAP2 adalah asosiasi anggota internasional yang mempromosikan dan meningkatkan praktik partisipasi publik atau pelibatan masyarakat, yang menggabungkan individu, pemerintah, lembaga, dan entitas lain yang memengaruhi kepentingan publik di seluruh dunia.
IAP2 USA is a nationwide organization that leads, advances and advocates for best practices in public participation. It is a home and community for people who believe good decisions can be made together.
Nace como una forma de contribuir a desplegar las habilidades y competencias necesarias en personas y agrupaciones de diversa índole que desean ser protagonistas de la construcción del futuro para sus comunidades, territorios y países.
As the peak body for the community and stakeholder engagement sector, IAP2 Australasia, believes that engagement, when done well, improves environmental, social and governance outcomes and increases trust in the democratic process.
IAP2 carries out its mission to advance and extend the practice of public participation by organizing and conducting professional development activities to serve the learning needs of members.
This research brief explores how public participation practitioners might encounter AI tools; examines the risks, opportunities and uncertainties these tools present; and offers ethical considerations to guide their use.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
The UK Open Government Civil Society Networks are coalitions of active citizens and civil society organisations committed to making government work better for people through transparency, participation and accountability.
The Wales Open Government Network is a coalition of active citizens and civil society organisations committed to making Welsh Government work better for people through enhanced transparency, participation and accountability.
The Scotland Civil Society Open Government Network is a coalition of active citizens and civil society organisations committed to making Scottish government work better for people through enhanced transparency, participation and accountability.
The Northern Ireland Open Government Network (NIOGN), established in 2014, is an alliance of individual citizens, activists and representatives of community and voluntary organisations.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
The We’re Right Here campaign is working to build a united movement for community power, spanning places and communities across the UK as well as the political spectrum.
The Society Library is a 501(c)3 U.S. collective intelligence nonprofit working on knowledge systems and digital public infrastructure to make "big data democracy" possible in the 21st century.
Pretendemos lograr que las nuevas e innovadoras formas de participación, que ya son una realidad en el ámbito internacional y en nuestras propias regiones y entidades locales, lo sean también en el ámbito estatal español. También queremos aumentar el nivel de exigencia respecto del funcionamiento, inclusividad, transparencia y rendición de cuentas de los mecanismos y herramientas de participación ya existentes.
Discover the modern engagement platform powered by natural language AI to help you gather feedback, manage your data and understand what is being said.
The mission of the National Civic League’s Center for Democracy Innovation is to understand, test, and disseminate innovations that can make democracy more participatory, equitable, and productive.
Parla has access to more than 11,000 publicly available documents that have been published on the parliamentary documentation system PARDOK in the current legislative period.
Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina / Босна и Херцеговина)
Javna rasprava Lokal je web platforma koja je pokrenuta kao alat za poboljšanja dvosmjerne komunikacije između građana/ki i donosioca/teljki odluka na lokalnom nivou.
Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina / Босна и Херцеговина)
E-peticija je zahtjev za određenu promjenu u tvojoj lokalnoj zajednici koji upućuješ donosiocima odluka, a koja se realizuje nakon što tvoja peticija skupi dovoljan broj potpisa.
The AI Assembly is the first national deliberative event on AI in the United States and represents a significant step toward understanding public sentiment on AI-related issues and shaping the conversation around the role of AI systems in society, with a focus on transparency, accountability, and responsible use.
The Computational Democracy Project designs, engineers and maintains Polis, an open source, real-time system for gathering, analyzing and understanding what large groups of people think in their own words, enabled by advanced statistics and machine learning.
The AI Objectives Institute (AOI) is a non-profit research lab working to ensure that both AI and future economic systems are built and deployed with genuine human objectives at their core, enabled by broad public input and scalable cooperation.
Twelve like-minded European and global organizations committed to advancing democratic innovation and participation are coming together in the new Horizon project Nets4Dem.