Tag:   Other > Access to Information Community of Practice - (37)

Showing 37 Results

Plaza Cívica

We empower communities to actively engage with their governments in decision-making through technology, design, communication, and research, driving better public services and enhancing citizen participation in governance.



Lima, Peru

Somos una asociación civil peruana sin fines de lucro dedicada a investigar, facilitar el entendimiento público y promover el respeto de los derechos y libertades en entornos digitales.

Платформа прав людини

ППЛ – зареєстрована у 2016 році неприбуткова організація, яка об’єднала експертів з великим досвідом роботи та високим рівнем експертиз у неурядовому секторі.



Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico

En Abrimos.info combinamos nuestra experiencia abriendo datos con amplias capacidades narrativas, investigativas y de desarrollo para crear bases de datos fiables y verificadas que promueven el conocimiento estratégico.

Transparency International Slovenia

Borimo se za svet, v katerem oblast, politika, gospodarstvo, civilna družba in dnevno življenje ljudi ne bodo prepleteni s korupcijo.


Parliamentary monitoring and democracy watchdog organisation using civic tech to promote transparency, accountability and citizen engagement.

Right To Know (R2K), Nigeria

The Right To Know (R2K), Nigeria is a dynamic organisation established in 2007 to champion the right to access officially held information at all levels of government public institutions and establishing legal standards for these rights in Nigeria.

Civic Sight

Civic Sight

Hong Kong

We incubate projects that bring together data and transparency to expand and improve the civic space in Asia.



Tunisia (Tunis)

هل تريد الحصول على معلومةلا تتردّد وقدّم مطلبك. Now-defunct Alaveteli instance for Tunisia



Hong Kong

Everyone has the right under the Hong Kong Code of Access to Information to ask for and receive access to information held by government departments and agencies.



India (Bhārat)

We work to strengthen the course of civic engagement using data / social science / tech / design

Article 19

ARTICLE 19 works for a world where all people everywhere can freely express themselves and actively engage in public life without fear of discrimination.

Ma Dada

Ma Dada


Ma Dada est un site associatif qui vous aide à faire des demandes d’accès aux documents administratifs communicables.



South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)

We build tools, open up data, and provide data training which supports an active citizenry and helps communities and governments work better, together.

Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD)

Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD)

Social Insurance Road Trade Fair Area 700103 Kano Nigeria

CITAD is a non-governmental and non-profit organization that is committed to the use of information and communication technologies for development and promotion of good governance.



GONG, Main Square 15/IV, Zagreb,

Gong is a civic megaphone that hinders corruption and builds a more democratic, just and equal society.

Transparencia Belgium

Transparencia Belgium

Belgium (België / Belgique / Belgien)

Transparencia is a platform for access to administrative documents (subsidies, public markets, etc.) developed by Anticor Belgium

MuckRock Foundation

MuckRock Foundation

United States of America (the)

File, track, and share public records requests.

Informace Pro Všechny

Informace Pro Všechny

Czech Republic (Ceska Republika)

Povinný subjekt: Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy Žádost o informace podle zákona č. 106/1999 Sb. o svobodném přístupu k informacím.




With Datasketch Apps you can create data visualizations in seconds and empower users to analyze data faster with access to open information repositories curated by journalists and researchers.



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

mySociety is a not-for-profit social enterprise that exists to invent and popularise websites and apps that enable citizens around the world to exert power over institutions and decision makers.

Open Cities Lab

Open Cities Lab

153a Helen Joseph Road, Congela, Durban, South Africa

Open Cities Lab is a non-profit open and non-partisan organisation that combines the use of action research, co-design, data science, and technology with civic engagement, to enable the development of inclusive cities and urban spaces.

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