Incrições abertas em 08/08 - É um programa de Educação Cidadã que se baseia nos princípios de governo aberto: transparência, prestação de contas, participação cívica, tecnologia e inovação. O objetivo do programa é promover a educação cívica e estimular a sociedade civil a participar ativamente nas políticas do Estado, reconhecendo-se como agente de transformação em sua realidade local.
A Polish website that helps citizens visualize the entire information request process, understand the next steps if information is not provided, and offers templates and sample documents for various stages and scenarios. provides a forum for international collaboration on efforts to improve access to parliamentary information and share experiences and good practices among PMOs.
Herramienta de transparencia que permite visualizar todos los proyectos de ley presentados en el Congreso peruano y buscar en ellos con actualización diaria respecto de la página del Congreso. es una aplicación web que hace dos cosas: (i) permite a cualquier persona enviar una Solicitud de Acceso a la Información Pública legalmente válida a través de Internet; y, (ii) archiva y hace disponible a terceros las solicitudes y respuestas recibidas anteriormente.
Somos una asociación civil peruana sin fines de lucro dedicada a investigar, facilitar el entendimiento público y promover el respeto de los derechos y libertades en entornos digitales.
We want to develop a standard approach to collecting data about disability from constituents and City employees to improve accessibility and inclusion in Boston.
We work alongside governments, civic-focused organizations, and mission-aligned businesses to create and implement practical solutions through transformative digital strategies and data governance frameworks.
Acrli is an Arab organization aiming to strengthen the Rule of Law, fight corruption, build independant justice systems, improve constitutional reforms and integrity within the arab world
iLab Liberia is a non-profit local tech hub that provides access to information, open and geospatial data, research, web technologies and expert ICT assistance through a community of volunteers leveraging technology for the good of Liberia.
Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova (FLOSSK) is a non-governmental organization based in Prishtina established in 2009 in order to support, promote and develop free and open source software.
Le site Mon député permet de connaître le vote de tous les députés français à l’Assemblée nationale sur les projets de loi les plus importants, depuis juin 1997
ППЛ – зареєстрована у 2016 році неприбуткова організація, яка об’єднала експертів з великим досвідом роботи та високим рівнем експертиз у неурядовому секторі.
The Practical Guide to Access Justice is a tool available to all citizens, which aims to streamline their interaction with Justice, in the search for the information they need at every moment.
En combinamos nuestra experiencia abriendo datos con amplias capacidades narrativas, investigativas y de desarrollo para crear bases de datos fiables y verificadas que promueven el conocimiento estratégico.
We are convinced that the battle to eliminate poverty worldwide starts here at home – in our village, our town, or our municipality. Which is why, here at ICLD, we work with people who are changing the world by building local democracy.
Poynter Institute for Media Studies, 3rd Street South, St. Petersburg, FL, USA
To support fact-checking on WhatsApp, the International Fact-Checking Network is offering a new round of its Spread the Facts grant program in partnership with Meta to combat AI-generated misinformation.
The second annual Tech for Humanity Summit will convene thought leaders from civil society, government, academia and industry to develop shared visions for a humane and democratic technological future.
The annual Democracy R&D conference is the leading international event for people who fund, run, commission, study and advocate for Citizens’ Assemblies.
The Commonwealth community of Legislatures is a diverse group of institutions that at the same time hold many institutional similarities, enabling further opportunities for institutional cooperation, in the field of legislative modernisation and digital transformation.