United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
We help public sector leaders to modernise legacy applications and working practices, accelerate digital service delivery, drive smarter decisions with data and enable improved technology skills within teams.
Wikimedia Community User Group Uganda is a team of self-motivated individuals who improve articles on Wikimedia Foundation project websites and promote free and open access to knowledge locally. They also invested in projects that sensitize and train communities about Wikipedia.
JusticeAI is an open source platform and suite of tools that strategically apply machine learning, computer vision, and metadata analysis to sort, identify, and analyze digital media.
Monument Lab is a nonprofit public art and history studio based in Philadelphia. We cultivate and facilitate critical conversations around the past, present, and future of monuments.
Coda Story reports on major currents shaping our world from disinformation to authoritarian technologies to the war on science. Coda stays on these stories to reveal why they matter, how they are connected and where they are heading next.
The Hurford Youth Fellowship Program seeks to build the leadership skills and harness the potential of young democracy activists from around the world.
This document provides a descriptive model as the basis for a shared understanding and vocabulary of the key components of digital government for the development community.
The Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program hosts democracy activists, scholars, and journalists for five-month fellowships, bringing fresh insights and perspectives to Washington, DC.
El Chequeador es una plataforma educativa diseñada por el equipo de Chequeado para el desarrollo de cursos virtuales sobre Alfabetización Mediática e Informacional, desinformación, fact checking y otros temas relacionados.
The Open Mapping Hub - Eastern and Southern Africa exists to serve communities in the region by supporting the creation, maintenance, distribution, and use of high-quality open maps that are relevant for and contributed to by local communities.
The European Capital of Democracy Initiative will build a strong network of Cities that will foster participation; a platform for hope, and for exercising the will and power to change our world for the better.
Investigating the empirical case of urban biking activists in Madrid, we explore how the design of the digital platform Decide Madrid impacted the collaborative practices involved in digital participatory budgeting.
ACT NOW is an international programme run by The Innovation in Politics Institute, which supports local politicians in tackling the current challenges they face, such as migration flows, the climate crisis, and increasing social division resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Socks Talk Politics” is a YouTube series launched by the Innovation in Politics Institute to showcase the wide-ranging community and government projects that are around Europe.
A magazine established to provide people working in politics and the industry of Democracy Technologies with in-depth information about new developments and technologies in the field of digital participation and deliberation, electronic voting, and other digital tools that improve political organisations.
1991 Broadway Street, Suite 200, Redwood City, California 94063
The Tech We Want is four-year, $8 million portfolio of work focused on connecting and empowering a new wave of leaders, companies, and technologies that are built on inclusivity, mutualism, sustainability, accountability, and responsible innovation.
In this "deeply empowering and practical book"(Cecilia Muñoz), two technology and innovation leaders reveal dozens of tactics that enabled them to accomplish seemingly impossible reforms in organizations of all types and sizes
WikiRumours is a web-based database which enables geographically distributed teams to collaborate asynchronously on monitoring, verifying, and countering the spread of harmful rumours and misinformation.
In this project, we studied 13 government mobile apps – eight from the federal public administration and five from the state of São Paulo – that we believed most affect Brazilian citizens on a daily basis for their relation to services that are especially relevant to our day-to-day life and to the government-citizen relationship.
SocialTIC es una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a la investigación, formación, acompañamiento y promoción de la tecnología digital e información para fines sociales.Conoce nuestros proyectos, reflexiones y recomendaciones sobre infoactivismo, datos abiertos y seguridad digital
Esta é uma plataforma de monitoramento de casos que levaram, puderam levar ou podem levar a bloqueios de aplicações de Internet no Brasil. Aqui se encontram materiais originais e análises, em português e inglês, de casos envolvendo bloqueios no país.
Como os brasileiros usam a internet? Como é seu comportamento na hora de buscar informações na rede? O InternetLab manterá um guia com indicadores sobre como anda a dieta de mídia dos brasileiros e brasileiras.
The Alan Turing Institute, Euston Road, London, UK
Alan Turing has long proved a subject of fascination, but following the centenary of his birth in 2012, the code-breaker, computer pioneer, mathematician (and much more) has become even more celebrated with much media coverage, and several meetings, conferences and books raising public awareness of Turing's life and work.