Search Results - Amsterdam (8)

Showing 8 Results

Amsterdam DocLab IDFA Festival

Amsterdam DocLab IDFA Festival

IDFA International Documentary Filmfestival Amsterdam, Frederiksplein, Amsterdam, Netherlands

The International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam is one of the leading documentary events in the world.

Citizen Data Lab Amsterdam

Citizen Data Lab Amsterdam

Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA), Weesperzijde, Amsterdam, Netherlands

A research lab that addresses local issues through participatory data practices: methods, approaches and tools for co-creation to learn about and through data.

Global Observatory of Urban Artificial Intelligence

Its goal is to promote research and disseminate best practice in theĀ ethical application of artificial intelligence in cities.

Polis pilots in the Netherlands

Polis pilots in the Netherlands

Netherlands (Nederland, Holland)

De projectpartners zijn de gemeente Amsterdam, gemeente Groningen, Stichting Netwerk Democratie en DiA. In 2020-2021 gaan zij Polis testen en samen met andere gemeenten onderzoeken wat nodig is om op te schalen naar de rest van het land.

DEcentralised Citizen-owned Data Ecosystems (DECODE)

an experimental project to enable practical alternatives to how we manage our personal data and interact on the internet


Greenpeace is a non-governmental environmental organization with offices in over 55 countries and an international coordinating body in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Ping if you Care

The City of Amsterdam equipped 700 cyclists with a device that allowed them to ping when encountering a complicated, clumsy or unsafe traffic situation. 31,000 events were registered, which will inform upgrades to their bike network in the coming years.

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